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What to say when you start forming letters

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Has anyone got a list of talking prompts for children when they are beginning to form letters ? eg start at the top, all the way round, up, down....etc??? I feel I need some better ideas and I want us all to say the same thing when we are embedding letter formation.


I've got those but I want to develop a common language for us, a la Mr ABC. For example, what do you say when you write the letter C? It can't be "Start at the top and go all the way round" because that would be O.I want some good words to reinforce the shape they are writing.

Posted (edited)

When I do b and d , I say big belly and big bottom , so your looking for that sort of prompt , maybe practise writing the letters yourself and then as you do it make rhyme or list of prompts that suits you and your staff , could be an exercise for you all to do , you got me thinking now

What do the school do ?

Edited by lashes2508

Just found verbal path for formation of letters but to be honest I don't find it easy or helpful


Verbal Path for the Formation of Letters. Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy ... Sometimes it helps children to say aloud the directions for “making” a letter.


Now researching this , found us writing program called handwriting without tears and also this info from royal free hospital quotes them



Several schools that our children go to use joined writing from the start. We started teaching a deferred child formation of cursive letters, but as he had been taught by his mother that letters start at the top he had great difficulty starting on the line.


The Read Write Inc scheme has sayings for each letter eg. 'Round the apple, down the leaf' for 'a' etc. might be worth a look? X

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Interesting, how many of you teach them cursive script letter formation if that's what they'll do on entering school, where you start at the bottom, I still think they need to see 'ordinary' letter formation, another staff always writes their names in cursive script, a child said "my name doesn't have 3's" in it :/ .....seems a bit confusing, like when they've been taught capitals instead of lower case and you have to try and undo it again.


Interesting, how many of you teach them cursive script letter formation if that's what they'll do on entering school, where you start at the bottom, I still think they need to see 'ordinary' letter formation, another staff always writes their names in cursive script, a child said "my name doesn't have 3's" in it :/ .....seems a bit confusing, like when they've been taught capitals instead of lower case and you have to try and undo it again.

sorry mouseketeer im a bit confused .....i teach what they need to know for the school they are going to. So if they are doing full cursive then that is what i'll do, that way they don't need to change the way they are doing it once they start reception...to them this then becomes 'ordinary' letter formation


A huge part of me has always thought that to teach cursive from the start may well be a good idea as there often seems to be a natural inclination for children to start a letter from the bottom and go up, - I seem to be forever correcting them with "we start at the top and go down!"

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I know it makes sense Finleysmaid, but our RT has never seemed that keen that we introduce this style of writing, most letters still resemble 'normal' letters, but a few look so different..I always think 'n' looks like 'v' in cursive :/


The Read Write Inc scheme has sayings for each letter eg. 'Round the apple, down the leaf' for 'a' etc. might be worth a look? X

Thank you! That looks interesting.

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