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Free session for Treasurer's child

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We have a new committee and the Treasurer is already struggling. I still do all the FEEE claims and milk claims, and she does the invoices to parents and sends in the timesheets which I complete to a lady that does our wages. I transfer the money to the staff.


She has just propsed via e-mail to the rest of the commmittee (and me) that she is doing the invoices and wages late at night and making mistakes, so she would like a free session for her 2 year old every half term to complete them as she says it takes her several hours to complete them. In fact she did the wages this morning and mine are completely wrong! Until recently I had done all the invoices and it took me an hour. As I mentioned I give her the timesheets and she is supposed to do is submit them. I am not against a free place, but feel that it can't be for certain committee members, it has to be fair and if offered to one member it has to be offered to all.


My worry is if parents hear of this, they might join the committee for a free session in these ecconomic times and with 2 year olds this is tricky with staff ratios etc. We are a voluntary committee run pre-school. Is it allowed for members to have free sessions as surely this is a form of payment, which it states clearly in our constitution that members can not receive payment.


I so hope we become a CIC soon !!!


No I would certainly not advise this either.( not sure it's allowed anyway). Where would you draw the line.

I'm afraid we do all the invoices, collate wages for payment to the people employed by us, milk claims, funding forms etc.

Saying that we do have a wonderful paid administrator and we do it together.

Our treasurer sorts all banking, pays bills, all fundraising monies, petty cash, think that's enough for a volunteer.

That's the trouble what started out many moons ago, were groups of mums for fun, friendship and play, is now in fact a business with sometimes large amounts of money.

Not sure we can expect our lovely parents to take on such a task anymore.


Could she come into the setting and sit in a quiet room/area to do this paperwork while her child naturally drifts off and joins in unofficially with the session? She will still be there taking responsibility for the child so it won't affect your numbers and nobody can expect a similar concession unless they too are working in the setting that day.


I was told years ago that a free place for a committee member constitutes a wage. I'd check with the charity commission if you're a charity. Or, you can give the child a free place but keep it quiet ;)


This is the problem with committees. Anyone training to do anything new always takes longer.


Don't you have any software to print the invoices. I've just printed ours fpr next half term (pressed the button and went out to make a cup of tea!)


She can't offically have a free session (and take up a place!) as it will be against the constitution.


Yes, this is hard, sometimes our treasurer and chair come in with their children and do paperwork in the office whilst their chldren are in the main room. Must admit its never occured to us to say 'no' since they are on the premises and so officially not in numbers.

These days when its so hard to get people to volunteer for anything its nice to be able to help out if you can. However I do think by offering a regular session to the child with the mum off the premises would be a slippery slope!

  • 1 month later...

We have had meeting in pre-school time and their children have come into the session and we have charged them. I think upsy daisy made a good point, maybe an idea to suggest. If you say yes to the free place do then have to turn down a place for a paying or funded child? Good luck

  • 2 weeks later...

This is the problem with committees. Anyone training to do anything new always takes longer.


Don't you have any software to print the invoices. I've just printed ours fpr next half term (pressed the button and went out to make a cup of tea!)


She can't offically have a free session (and take up a place!) as it will be against the constitution.

That's what I was going to say!


a) No Committee member may be paid for services provided to the Pre-school that form part of their duties as a Committee member and trustee of the Pre-school;


And a free session would count as payment in lieu - so not allowed!

  • 4 weeks later...

Childcare is a permitted expense for trustees though. So in theory it is completely reasonable for her to claim back the cost of her child being in the setting once a month while carrying out trustee duties.

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