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Children bonkers already with christmas excitement


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Is anyone else finding children very hyper in setting already over christmas. Our children are bouncing off the walls as I type. I'm hid in office giggling to self as staff trying to calm them down and trying to get them to listen to staff. :D

Edited by Miacat3
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I think christmas in general has started early this year, I know so many families who put thier trees up on the 1st, its no wonder the children are getting excited. I wonder if its a reaction to the dark times of the recession that people are glad to have an excuse to be cheerful and are making it last the whole month

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Lots of our children had their trees up and houses decorated on 1 December and then of course there is always that chocolate hit first thing in the morning with the advent calendar - although for some of the children at my setting they seem to have at lease 2 advent calendars :D

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