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School Nursery : what do you wear to work?!


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I work in a maintained nursery as TA ( and am EYPS). Both I and the teacher dress like we did when working in a classroom so fairly smart 'proper' clothes and shoes etc as is expected in a school!! Yesterday for end of term dismantling and packing away for winter of the climbing frame we both were in jogging bottoms and trainers etc. We both found we were warmer doing outdoor and far better dressed for running about and crawling on the floor etcas we do day to day!!

The question is as the title says : what do you wear to work if you are in a school nursery?!

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Gosh I cannot imagine having to wear smart clothes to work. I come home each day and everything has to go in the wash as its covered in paint, play dough, gloop or snot!! I know that I would not feel comfy in smart clothes given the amount of time we spend on the floor. Could you not strike a happy medium and go for smart casual? I wear black trousers (supermarkets own cheap make) these are quite thin so can be washed and dried easily but are really comfy and practical. We also have polo shirts with our logo on. I have visited a centre where the staff wore fitted tunics, a bit like the ones beauticians wear and these looked very smart and stylish. I am sure someone will be along soon who is also from a setting like yours and can advise you better!!

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Guest ShelleyT

Our Nursery staff wear black trousers, a polo shirt or t-shirt with the school logo on, a school fleece or school sweatshirt. We all have school clothing at our school, for PE and things. The Nursery staff do not have to wear it, but they like to as it stops their clothes becoming dirty and it is more practical. x

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Guest terrydoo73

I work in a Playgroup and we wear jeans, trainers, whatever top we like but have fleeces that bear our logo and name on them. Our children have jumpers which are canary yellow and red writing with the logo (building blocks A B C) and so we have red fleeces with yellow writing! We only wear the fleeces at work so they remain in the workplace except for periodic washing! Thankfully they have lasted for the past year and are paid for by the Committee. We do have aprons to wear over the top during messy play if we really want to but by the time you get them on it is quicker just to pull your sleeves up and get on with the children!

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i wear cargos as need pockets for post-its, camera etc. and a blouse or smart t-shirt. school nursery. would definately not feel comfortable in any sort of uniform..... and boots x

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when I worked in a school nursery, I wore comfy first and foremost. We had (as many schools do) an unwritten dress code of not jeans, joggers, or shorts (except for PE). Apart from that, anything was OK. ou do need to be warm outside, so how about finding a compromise?

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I wear black trousers and a top and cardigan.

Smart ish!


The teacher I work with wears similar.


In the afternoon I work with two other members of staff (I am their manager) and they wear what they want but no jeans or revealing clothes allowed!

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Unless or until we are allowed to claim for clothing against tax my staff will be encouraged to wear sensible durable clothing which is practicable, decent and allows them to mingle freely in the paint gloop and snot so graphically described above.

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Hi I work in a school nursery and we can wear jeans as long as they are not scruffy - I prefer darker coloured ones as lighter tend to look too casual if that makes sense. The unspoken rule seems to be smart/casual. Most of the teachers in school dress smarter than we do in Nursery and this is down to the fact that we spend a great deal of time either on the floor, playing with messy materials or outdoors.

I must admit that I have gone through far more pairs of trousers since being in the nursery as they tend to go on the knees as do the toes of my shoes or boots from all the kneeling I do!

I wonder if anyone claims a tax rebate on clothing?

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Sounds to me our usual 'smart casual' is about right in a maintained nursery ( obviously with thermals underneath!!)


We have recently had some discussions with Unison about reviewing job descriptions and the increased amount of outdoor working in EYFS was raised. They feel there is potentially a case for an allowance being payable for the equipment/clothing for outdoor working, or for the 'gear' to be provided for people in maintained settings. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of this!! I met a nursery owner whilst doing EYPS who said that she explains at interview that any staff she employs have to supply their own outdoor gear from the start.

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I own and work in a Pre-School, I supply all staff with logo polo's and fleeces. Bottom half must be tidy but I do allow staff to wear jeans (not scruffy), I am sure if you stipulate a uniform this has to be supplied by the employer hence I only stipulate and supply top half!!



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Our uniform is very formal, we have to wear black trousers a black tabbard (like a beauty therapist) we are allowed to wear a long sleaved (black) t-shirts. We must wear black shoes not trainers! very smart, not very pratical ;) The men get to wear lovely bright colourful polo shirts

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have a whole school staff clothing policy so we have to abide by that-no jeans, cargo pants, vets tops, tattos hidden etc. Smart casual but we are provided with a fleece with logo. I keep wellies, umbrella, indoor shoes, hat, gloves, scarf ect at school I was dead against having a fleece and refused first time but now I love it and live in it now! Saves so much money as I use to buy a smart top with a matching cardigan but now if the top doesn't match the fleece it doesn't matter

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