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Pine Cones/acorns

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Strange request here ladies and gentlemen! I recently attended the nursery show at Bournemouth and on the way home, we drove past some pine trees bearing huge, fat, closed cones. We couldn't stop, and it was so frustrating! So, question: does anyone have access to any of these...................and if so, would you be prepared to send me some if I pay the post and packing on them??? If so, thank you!


Second odd request: although I live smack bang in the middle of the countryside, the oak trees around here are being badly affected by some sort of disease and trying to find any acorns is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack! So, again, if any one has access to a good supply of them, please let me know. Many thanks!


Just what I need, another mission :D

I pass a tree when dog walking, its got long pine cones not fat ones, I'll go that way on the next walk and check them out. I use two in a plastic bag so from a distance it looks like I've picked up the dog poo! I know its naughty but if I pick up dog poo I'll just leave a pile of vomit in its place! :ph34r:

I'll be in the woods during the week so I'll check out the acorns. :1b


It's a bit late for acorns though isn't it.... mainly very shrivelled up now?


I wish you had asked earlier though. You may have had a bad year, but this last year for us was an absolute mega bumper crop- So much so we couldn'd sleep at night for falling acorns hitting the cars all night long, and as for trying to do the garden - we had to wear hard-hats and protective jackets!!!!! It went on for weeks, and we had to dipsose of wheelie bin amounts!




Haha - thought this was going to be a 'rant thread'! I seem to be regularly beset by folk (including staff) who insist on calling pine cone 'acorns', so much so that I took all my pine cones home one year as I didn't seem to be able to get through to them, and they were telling the children they were acorns during the craft activity.


Sorry, that's my rant. I have literally thousands of small larch tree cones and quite a few scots pine ones, although we're in a red squirrel area, so I don't like to take too many


We discovered a pine tree on our school field this year.... we realise that we are so lucky to have them on tap. :D


i bought pine cones on ebay when I needed some for heuristic bags


Louby Lou, bear me in mind when acorn season comes around again then please!


I certainly shall............ (bet we have none now this year though :rolleyes: :rolleyes: )


I know what you mean about the the long fat pine cones ........ my mums neighbour, a good few gardens away looks like they've got banana's growing on their pine tree............ never seen it so full. They're not very friendly people- so can't really ask for any :mellow: :mellow:


I followed the path of 5 oak trees today but not a single acorn between them. I saw some big fat pine cones today but I was going round an island and couldnt stop. I'll try to go back though because it was a trading estate so it'll be quiet at night.


I was at the Bournemouth Nursery Show too Narnia - didn't know you were from this neck of the woods.


Will keep an eye out for the big fat pine cones...will ask my son who is a tree surgeon too.


Maybe the disease on the oak trees is sudden oak disease, which I've heard my son mention on walks.


Haha - thought this was going to be a 'rant thread'!

And I thought it was going to be a thread about allergies!


I saw a whole load of pine cones by the side of the road this morning on my way to work. I didn't come home the same way so didn't see if they were still there but given that there are 2 different nurseries one on each side of the road just at that point I truly hope not!


Narnia, PM me please..... we've collected hundreds of pine cones (fat 2-3 inch tall ones) recently as it's a favourite activity :P and have been giving them away to the pre-school one of my minded children attends , for their woodland area.


I've got them in the house, the play kitchen, buckets of them in the garden and we're using them instead of mulch on the flower pots - they work well and look much nicer! We painted and glittered them at Christmas, made them into pine cone Santa's and bird feeders and used them to paint with... they're so versatile!


Let me know how many you'd like and I'll get my little helpers on it tomorrow !



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