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Princes Of Wales


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As a Welsh rugby player (retired for a number of decades now, thanks for asking...) I just wanted to reach out to any of you who (like me) may be chewing off the last of your fingernails at the moment.


I loved the leader in last weekend's Observer, and thought I'd reproduce it here for any who have been following the World Cup down there in New Zealand Land. Game starts at 9am Saturday - catch it if you can!


Princes of Wales


Rugby is a sport of contradictions. It is played by men with heads like punchballs, their ears flapping by threads and their noses indented like footprints in concrete, yet many of the best of them have been doctors or solicitors or writers or in-laws of the Queen.


It was invented at one of Britain's most exclusive seats of learning and might as easily have been the game of Harrow or Gordonstoun. It is a game of grace and strategy which sometimes seems to have all the intellectual subtlety of conkers, played with wrecking balls.


It can be as crude as a Friday night brawl in East Kilbride, all gouging and scraping and fingers in orifices. Its supporters, though, are the most amiable in the world, and a packed stadium could be policed by a middle-aged St John ambulance lady with a spaniel.


And it is ferociously tribal, until the final whistle. After that, all fans are family. Now that England, Ireland and Scotland are out of the World Cup, it is natural for all British rugby supporters to hurl their weight behind the one remaining sceptr'd nation. We are all Welsh now.

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have to say i was never into rugby but husband is ...so if you cant beat em join em!! I have a friend who is a new zealander, her husband is welsh and her daughter classes herself as english i asked her the other day which team she supports...which ever one is winning came back the reply!! :o

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I'm impressed if you used to play for the national team Steve.


I so wish I could be at the Millenium Stadium in the morning, its a fantastic place where the opposition supporters need no segregation, (unlike football where they need cages) but tomorrow there will only be one lots of supporters.





(the smileys are me, hubbie, son and daughter bouncing up and down with excitement)

Edited by Pimms o'clock?
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Crikey Pimms - didn't mean to imply I played for Wales. Especially since I was playing during the glory days of the seventies, when as a full back I could only have replaced JPR Williams...


Whatever happens tomorrow - as you say finleysmaid - everyone will love and enjoy the game and we'll all be friends afterwards!

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We too are a Rugby household...


while I am here in uk watching some at odd hours of the day


My sister in Kiwiland is enjoying every bit of it... managed to get to a game or two from what I hear..


and my son in OZ is complaining very loudly that it is not on terrestrial TV and they have not yet been able to afford satellite or have time to get it in place... he was lucky as he has been away for work so managed to see it in hotel and bars but his partner has been shouting quite loudly about missing the rugby... they now have satellite .. and managed to see a few games..


It has always been one where I was happy and unworried to let my son go to watch and enjoy without worrying... he often went to Twickenham with the school on trips. He is also a Hairy biker (yes he has the beard )- and as we found they too are usually the most sociable people .


so here I am ready and waiting, he is in OZ, sis is also watching..

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As fans of the England rugby team (oh dear) and the mother of two rugby playing young men, my family gave a great big cheer when Wales scored their try. Bravely fought lads!



Love the article Steve - sums Rugby up beautifully.

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