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Hello all


I am new to the forum and thought I would introduce myself. I have just completed a PGCE in July 2010 and I have secured a job as a Reception teacher starting on 1st Sept. I am already familiar with the school as I completed one of my placements there in Yr1. I am not an early years specialist but I am really looking forward to getting my teeth into this role. The school is large (4 form entry) and the planning is shared between a strong team of teachers.


As the start of school tem approaches I am trying to think of settling in activites for the children which will give opportunites to carry out baseline assessments. The intake is staggered over 2 weeks so I will start with 7 children on the first day, then another 8 2 days later, then simliar the following week until I have the full class.


Any ideas would be hugely appreciated! :o


Thanks, Kristabell x


Hi Kristabell and a very warm welcome to the forum! xD


Congrats on your job.......can't help at all with your question as I am pre-school......but I'm sure someone more helpful will be along soon! :o


HI Kristabell and welcome.


I've just realised that the start of term is now creeping upon us and made me realise what a lovely summer i've had probably the most relaxing where i've not thought about school !!!


The first few weeks we try to get most of our equipment out etc so the children can see what we have in the classroom ready for CIL. We also try to have say a selction of activities out but then for a few days our focus may be prsn or creative but as i have said not even thought about it yet myself.In the past the first week for us is usually about settling in getting use to seperating from parents/new envirnoment. Half our class come from the local pre school where it is not that big and not free flo to the outside our classroom on the other had is huge we have free flo to the outside which is also big so thats overwhelming in itself. The also have another half of a class to get to know so games for getting to know you, sharing.


welcome and good luck from me too! Your settling in two weeks sounds lovely and well planned by your school, so that is a great start. I would be inclined to introduce the resources and appropriate usage of them over these 2 weeks, the first starters can begin to model it to the later starters then too.

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