Guest Posted February 7, 2011 Posted February 7, 2011 (edited) Well Blimey, Had a really good day or so i thought! then got a E-mail off my chair... We finished 2 minuets late tonight and the children left at that time, but have received a email from my chair saying that the impact on her other child who finished school, 3 minutes later and she says as crying in the playground with another parent, bear in mind we are in the school grounds... she as made me feel so guilty for reading a story, her line say's 'as much as i like the thought of you all having a nice story' then says maybe i should pick up early, then but I know you find that disruptive !! Sorry little moan over.... maybe its me just been touchy, and i do know that i would be upset if my other child was upset and im not that heartless, but 2 minutes, I ask you keep smiling! Edited February 7, 2011 by mk5698 Quote
SazzJ Posted February 7, 2011 Posted February 7, 2011 My committee can drive me potty at times too hun. Try not it let to get to you. Mine want me to be ridged with the rountine so I have to stop kids mid snack to go onto next task or have them waiting until the next activity is due to start. Madness Quote
thumperrabbit Posted February 7, 2011 Posted February 7, 2011 Think we are all having a bad day today...not long until 1/2 term ! We are always late sending home, some disaster or other always happens at that time! no one seems to complain about sending them home late, but opening up late now that's a different matter....! Quote
Cait Posted February 7, 2011 Posted February 7, 2011 Oh crikey Take a deep breath and keep smiling! suggest she could buy you one of those really cool timers! Quote
Guest Posted February 7, 2011 Posted February 7, 2011 (edited) It wouldn't be too bad if I hadn't had to ask her child 3 times to 'PUT their coat on' and then they left their hat and gloves on the carpet. this is the same person that when she took over as chair in Oct said that for the early years sessions in a afternoon, i should put 'stuff like that away' waving her arms towards my new water tray and sand tray.... and have desks with writing etc at them. Edited February 7, 2011 by mk5698 Quote
Guest Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 oh my and I've just applied for a job managing a nursery that is committee run; maybe I should be having 2nd thoughts!!!!! Quote
Rea Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 NO, NO, Janny, dont have second thoughts, we're not all bad. I think some of them get a bit power crazy thats all. Mk5698, tell your chair that the story and end of session activity is very important that it helps children to prepare for the transition from your setting to home and allows the children to say goodbye and chat about the day. Its not just a story, blind her with sience and smile. Never ever stop or change an activity based soley on the chair or committees ideas. They employ you to work with the children and all that entails. That goes for you too sazzj, dont chnage your routines to suit anyone but the children. These bossy committee give me a bad name and I wont have it!! Quote
Guest Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 Hi, Thanks for your words of wisdom, on the whole we get on great and she is very 'hands on' compered to the last committee we had that never set foot on the building and only took an interest if we asked for it. Im new to the post as of September and new committee took over in Oct and seem to have gone to the other extreme now, i get at least 2 emails aday, asking about planning, etc then she always adds i dont want to interfere BUT... I'm off today, im doing my FDEY with the OU and have tuesday as my official study day. Janny, dont be put off, i have worked in playgroups for the past 12 years, and the committee come and go, some are good some not so, but at least they aren't a permanant feature. Thanks again, have a good day all Mk5698 Quote
Guest Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 Well, back again the saga continues! I have add another email from her today, in reply to my reply last night. in which i said that I was very sorry that her elder child had being upset, but unfortunatley we had only been 2 minutes late and it wasn't intended to delay parents but the closing time, story etc had run over, I did explain that all children had left playgroup by the official primary school finishing time. I thought I had been very diplomatic. and typed my reply 3 times before pressing send. But her opening line today is 'well i can see I should not have mentioned it to you, but I was very upset, Sorry' I just don't know what im going to walk into tomorrow, She said that she went into school to complain that they had let him out without her been there, and now she feels bad because she was the one who was late. I get the feeling im been used as a scapegoat. deep breaths, deep breaths, Quote
hali Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 just stick to your guns hun and remain strong ( no offence Rea would have loved you as my chair BUT some are not helpful !!!!!) Quote
Gezabel Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 Sorry you are having such a hard time but my thoughts on reading this were 'two minutes!!??'. Since when do any of us run our preschools with such precision timing? Two minutes is really debatable dependant upon which clock/watch was in use!! We finish at 3:30 and I try to always open the door on time (children are released indidvidually to parents/carers) but occasionally it is 'just gone' half past. However, I don't have the problem of people having to collect chidren from school too, we are not on a school site and local schools finish at 3pm or 3:15 so any older siblings are collected first. Having said that sometimes parents get held up and are 'late' collecting from us but never more than a matter of minutes and it's not a problem I agree you are being used as a scapegoat. If you had been 'dead on' time could she have got to her other child in two minutes? I think it is her organisation of collecting her children that needs addressing and not you being slated over 2 minutes which is really neither here nor there! I understand that she was upset to find a distressed child but any 'blame' for that happening shouldl not be apportioned to you! Why was the child let out when she was not there anyway Quote
Guest Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 My own children's class teacher only lets them go (reception, Y.1 and 2) when she visually sees parent, so maybe their teacher is at fault and she is passing the buck onto you because it's not so easy for her to confront the teacher. Try not to let it get to you Quote
Guest Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 Hiya, I know it was two minuets because the settings phone rang (its a mobile) at the same time as we opened the door, we let each child out only when we see the adult, and I let the chairs child go first, could see the impaitent look on her face. the older child is in reception so i too have questioned why was he allowed out into the playground when no adult was there? we finish at 3.10 and school finish at 3.15. like you say and i have said to her it only takes my clock to be slow and schools to be fast then we are in a pickle. hey ho! happy days.. Quote
Inge Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 I must admit we were often a bit late or early on occasions but it became an issue when one parent kept telling us we were always late.. by her watch, but by our clock we were on time so we invested in a radio controlled clock for the setting.. didn't cost much.. think it was another Ikea buy... it keeps accurate time and adjusts itself... we could then let parents know our time was correct - they soon got the message- Quote
HappyMaz Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 How far away are you from the school? What would have happened if her child had suddenly needed the loo at home time, or experienced a sudden rush of emotion on seeing mum at the end of the day and needed a cuddle? Would all of these things have delayed her getting to her older child on time? Do you think she went steaming in to the teacher to ask why her child was allowed out of the classroom when mum wasn't there and was then embarrassed to be told that she was in fact late? Sounds to me like you might just have got the brunt of her discomfort. As you say, happy days! Quote
fimbo Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 i think i would also ask that she speak to you in person in future -as unfortunatly emails can be taken the 'wrong way' -not saying that has happened in this case, also does every parent have the oppertunity to email you it they have a problem ? at the time she collected her child when the 'incident' occured, she was a parent -she should not of had her chair person 'hat' on so to speak lol ! i agree with everyone else -2minuites is nothing -if anything the school is at fault for letting her child go without the parent being there -what would of happened if she had been late for other reasons -traffic, car problems etc -would they of still let her child go with another parent ? i know my childsc school only let the child go with someone else if they have had a phone call from me and the person is on their ;list' Quote
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