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Daily Report / Diary / Record Form


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Thanks mps09 this is just what I was looking for for the first couple of weeks back to supplement learning journey obs.


Have recently been talking to local schools about transitions and one school use a similar format for the first week of term just to reassure parents that their child is settling in and joining in with activities.


I thinks I may adopt their approach and use this for the first week or so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now I'm the one that's always saying how wonderful 'daily contact books' are.......


I have a 'new' child - his mummy is very 'keen' - I'm being polite here! :oxD She has decided to use his contact book to issue 'instructions'!!!!! Today we were apparently meant to teach him to pedal a trike and ride a scooter!


This is not a request for help........I know exactly how to deal with her........we need a one to one all about EYFS - although goodness knows I provide enough written info..........


Wonder what she will want us to do tomorrow!!! :(:(:(

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Could you set HER a task - how about he learns his 7 times table (TONGUE DEFINITELY IN CHEEK!!!!)



It doesn't matter how often you explain, there will ALWAYS be one - and sometimes it's the one you least expect, who will turn round and say 'Oh I didn't know that'. I had one last year who said, suddenly, (around about the end of June) "he has a tray? I didn't know that" (WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) He's been with us over a year at that point, so how she didn't know he had a tray beggars belief! I KNOW she'd been show it on the talk and tour about his symbol on his peg and bag and tray and everything because I have the checklist form she signed to say we'd gone over everything with her. She MUST have seen other children and parents getting things out and putting things in their trays, plus there's a notice on the inside of the back door that says "STOP, have you checked your child's tray for letters etc"

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Could you set HER a task - how about he learns his 7 times table (TONGUE DEFINITELY IN CHEEK!!!!)


Hey now that's a plan! :oxD


I should have spoken to her this morning really.......but you know that 'I really haven't got the strength' feeling! :wacko: :(


I told his key person to just write 'noted' by her comments............


He's such a dear little boy and is settling in very well....just slowly finding his feet - this morning he spent a long time drawing and then moved to the playdough where he became very involved - making 'snakes' and then cutting them up, he enjoyed his snack and a story in the book corner, outside play he helped others collect acorns and leaves.........not a trike or scooter in sight.......but a wonderful morning!!! :(


Perhaps I'll find the required 'strength' tomorrow xD:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

We don't routinely use books for all our children. We do use them for children who have additional needs and communication difficulties. I really the idea of updating parents using a whiteboard. We also have tell me about slips which is a two way idea where we can share special news either from us or from parents/ home. I love the new starter idea. Thank you for sharing

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We don't routinely use books for all our children. We do use them for children who have additional needs and communication difficulties. I really the idea of updating parents using a whiteboard. We also have tell me about slips which is a two way idea where we can share special news either from us or from parents/ home. I love the new starter idea. Thank you for sharing

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