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This Time 17 Years Ago.......

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Ah...... my "baby" is 17 today!


He was born by booked C section at 38 weeks.

He was very poorly when born and those first days after his birth were a blur of tears and anguish.


However he grew up to be a great child and now a lovely young man.


I feel lucky every day that he survived.


But I remember that this weekend coming I missed Agassi win Wimbledon!!!

Something he never repeated.


Just wondering what you were up to 17 years ago!!!!!!!!!!

Guest Wolfie

I think that I was suffering with horrendous morning/all day sickness - my youngest was born in March 1993! All worth it in the end though!


So are you now contemplating the horror that is sitting in the passenger seat whilst he learns to drive??? I think that's probably one of the most nerve-wracking things I've ever done with my son and I've already stated that I'm not repeating the experience with my daughter! :o

Posted (edited)

I was chasing after a 2 year old.

Funny how time flies, he was 19 last week and this week went to London for a night with his just 18 year old girlfirend. All grown up and exploring on his own.


I dont think I could ever attempt to teach my lads to drive. You'rre one brave mommy Wolfie. :o


Many happy returns to your baby scarlettangel

Edited by Rea

I don't really know. Finishing year 4 and looking forward to going into year 5 is all I can think of!


sorry , nope don't remember overly well, son was 9, and I was running the pre-school daytime, working as agency RGN weekends,


It would be Summer ball time and would have been looking forward to night out... yes night not evening, they started at 8pm and ended with champagne breakfast at 7am!




We'd just heard we'd been approved by June's monthly adoption panel meeting as adoptive parents by a local authority. :o We didn't know what we would get (like most expectant parents) we just knew we WOULD be parents eventually after 6 years of accepting we would never have our own biological children and all attempts with medical help failing.After those dark years it was a very up beat time.


17 years ago today, I was about 1? and a half maybe. And probably out in the garden in a paddling pool with my fat belly and fab purple swimming costume.


I'm only saying that because I found a photo yesterday of me and my grandpa and I'm in said swimming costume. :o


I was 12 years old 17 years ago so there's not a lot I can remember from back then, except I was a typical teenager a year early!

Guest budgie1

I was a bright eyed new teacher or "probationer" as they were called in those old days! :o

17 years ago today, I was about 1? and a half maybe. And probably out in the garden in a paddling pool with my fat belly and fab purple swimming costume.

And I was heavily pregnant with MrsWeasley's brother - so we had matching fat bellies (although then, as now mine was bigger by far!). My middle son was born on 31st July and I remember it was so, so hot. In fact he seemed to hibernate in there and I ended up going to get checked at about this time of the month because he hadn't moved for a couple of days.


During the birth we found out that the cord was wrapped round his neck and when he was born he was blue and needed to spend time under the lamp! We were so relieved that he was fine but sweltered under the heat which seemed to last for hours!


Amazing, thinking about all that, and the trials and tribulations we've been through since. He's just about ready to re-enter the human race, just in time for his 17th birthday!


Enjoy your boy's birthday, Scarlettangel!



I was 12 years old 17 years ago so there's not a lot I can remember from back then, except I was a typical teenager a year early!


Snapish well I was still 11 years old but was only 15 days off being 12 years old. I cant even remember that much only that I was constantly bullied both in school and around the home environment (not in the house!). Umm may explain my passive behaviour then. :o


I was at school and can't really remember much. Probably putting on red lipstick, worrying about my hair and being cheeky to my science teacher! :o


Happily pregnant with boy number 3. Who has just finished taking his GCSE's and is now constantly about the house looking for things to do as he can't find a spare time job this summer.

Guest Wolfie
as he can't find a spare time job this summer.


There are NO jobs for students this summer - I've seen several TV and newspaper articles on the subject this week, quoting students who have sent out up to 50 Cvs and not had a single reply!

Guest Mrs Tiggy Winkle

Hmm well now seventeen years ago my baby daughter would have been 3... son and hair 5 and son and heir nearly 7 so... Im guessing ...hmm.... was that the year of the pox? no I think we had that the year before , 1 every 3 weeks of course - not all at once! so then 17 years ago I think i was halfway through my BTEC Cert in Caring Services (Nursery nursing),one day a week as well as working in a couple of preschools and either shelf filling in sainsbergs or factory working in the evenings just to make ends meet! Ah the good old days! Ha ha


Many happy returns to the birthday boy and have fun with the driving - been there done that BUT was great when the DD was home and able to pick US up in a drunken state after a night out!!! Ha ha ha

Guest MaryEMac

Only thing that springs to mind was that my daughter had just become a teenager. This heralded the start of the slammed doors and loud music era. Now long forgotten, said daughter was 30 this year.



Posted (edited)

It was this weekend 17 years ago that I was at a conference, terrified about having to stand up and speak, and was infuriated by a guy from Bournemouth who thought it was funny to sit at the back and heckle about my Brummie accent.


I married him in 1994 and we now live in Worcestershire with our two beautiful daughters.


Now you've reminded me I think we migt have to celebrate this weekend.


Thankyou Scarlettangel.

Edited by AlisonP

I was just setting up home newly wed and expecting my first baby juggling split shifts in a childrens home with decorating a rather dilapodated house, that was the year my life changed


and that baby, now 16 nearly 17 is trying to find a summer job between school and college but not having much luck ie she spots the jobs but doesnt send the application form/CV much to my advantage I now have a list of jobs she does each week for £5 pocket money, this week she wanted extra money to buy her boyfriend a birthday pressie so I told her she can wash and valet the car I love slave labour I wouldn't have got through Uni if it wasnt for the kids helping around the house.


but Mrs weasly I am shocked at your youth!!!! I feel sooooooooooooooooooooo old


there was me thinking wow 17 years ago don't think much happened but....

17 years ago today (4th July) I had my gall bladder removed after 3 years of trouble, I had a 1 yr old a 3 yr old and a 7 yr old we had just moved into a run down 'fixer upper' in the middle of nowhere and I left hospital with the instructions not to lift anything for a month!!! hubby only had the weekends off and we didn't have a car so it was chaos to say the least

thanks for the trip down memory lane


and happy 17th birthday to son


17 years ago my daughter was coming up to her first birthday (24/8) and I was sooooo happy, I enjoyed the first year of being a mother so much, it was happy days, still is xD:( now just lots harder with four more children to care for, I love being a mum it is the best job in the world but it gets harder and harder to support the different needs of teenagers and young ones alike, I love having a big family but I have set myself such a challenge, hardest and most rewarding job in the world.....I think my husband was still coming to terms with being a father 17 years ago.....it began to really sink in after number 5! :o:(:(


Panicking about preparations for my wedding that happened early August.......struggling to get used to wearing contact lenses, I wore glasses back then and didn't want too in my wedding photos...the lengths vanity takes us to xD


When the big day finally came we had a wonderful day and we are still going strong.....I think I like him even more than I did back then, he's a keeper as they say :o


Seems a long time ago yet only yesterday in a way....time is weird isn't it?



But did you wear contacts? :o


Yes I wore the contacts and still do, although these days the lenses are daily disposable ones......still have no plans to dispose of the man though, well maybe occasionally xD



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