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A sensitive matter in out setting as we have a mother and son working with us and both are dyslexic. THe mum did a display and mispelt something. When there was a board meeting, rather than take it down and tell someone they added the missing letter in pen which wasn't really visible and so the next time they came back they moaned because it was still there. We'll I don't get along with the board all that well so I stood up and marched over to the offending sign and said 'Well I think it would have been more helpful to have pointed the mistake out to someone rather than writing all over it, she is dyslexic and does not take offence if appraoched directly about her mistakes, maybe next time you could say something and then it will be noted and changed.'

The next incident was when her son wrote out a shopping list. Normally he writes down what he needs and also the weekly menu which I type up and also order the food on the list. However he just needed a few extras and someone volunteered to get it for him but then laughed at his spelling on the list and pointed it out to someone else (in a senior position) who also laughed!!!!!!!!!!

My sister recently pointed out all my errors in an email I had written to her about a job I was applying for. I told her my jop application had been checked by 2 different reliable sources and quite frankly life is too short to spell check an email. xD


Peggy I would use spell check on here but it never lets me, it always tells me that it's not configurated so sorry for all the errors! :o

Peggy I would use spell check on here but it never lets me, it always tells me that it's not configurated so sorry for all the errors! xD

I had no idea there was a spell checker! :( Where is it and how does it work then?


I personally don't worry about people's typos (although being a pedant I usually notice them of course! :( ) and am always far more irritated when one of mine slips through. That said if I know a person is a fellow pedant I admit to taking a bit of guilty pleasure in spotting theirs epecially! :o


I think it is what people say and how they express themselves that is important and not their spelling or grammar. So long as I can understand what people are saying then the odd typo isn't anything to get worked up about.


But what REALLY bugs me is when companies with a whole marketing department at their disposal fail to spot spelling errors before they go to print. Some are funny though: MrsWeasley and I spotted a Mother's day ornament with "to a specail mum" printed on the front. Clearly she didn't think I was worth the 99p purchase price though! :(




Hmmm, that has made me think Wendles - we do need to be tolerant of those people who really struggle with spelling.


An elderly friend of mine produced some 'notes' for a village meeting - spelling was dire - one rather overbearing and insensitive woman decided to pick out every mistake publicly and mock her for them. It was absolutely awful, 'cringemaking' stuff and I tried to defend my friend. After the meeting she said -"this problem haunted me all through my working life (she is a retired nursing sister) but I really didn't expect it to matter so much now that I am retired".



After the meeting she said -"this problem haunted me all through my working life (she is a retired nursing sister) but I really didn't expect it to matter so much now that I am retired".

Ouch! Never has your signature been more apt, I guess!




For those who want a spell check on here, I am reliably informed that when you open a reply box and right click you get a menu, one of the options is to check spelling.


I come from a long line of pedants, and generally keep it to myself - but that display really got to me - It must be my age!!!!

I'd settle for an implant that delivers an small(ish) electric shock everytime the person says "PIN number", tries to go through the checkout of a supermarket without ending their telephone conversation or makes a sweeping generalisation that can't possibly be substantiated. Oh, and also when they make some outlandish statement that starts with "research says..." or "under the new EYFS we have to..." without being able to back up what they say with hard facts!


Beau - you've started something now! :o


People in supermarkets always annoy me! People standing in the middle of the aisle chatting with friends and completely blocking the way, mothers who let their children stand in the trolleys, assistants who start packing your shopping into shop carrier bags even when you've asked them not to and you have your own bags, large 4 wheel cars badly parked taking up 2 spaces. I'm sure I could think of more! :(


I too hate generalisations - people do it all the time! xD


My father gave me great advice when we were on the way to my wedding, he said, 'If you argue, and you will, remember NEVER to use the words 'always' and 'never'.' They reached 56 years of married happiness together so it stood them in good stead. We're only up to 27 years, but remember his advice. We've not needed it so far .......

mothers who let their children stand in the trolleys,



I saw an adult in one last week, all crunshed up so there was room for the shopping. :o


Spelling and grammer mistakes from teachers irritates me, teachers have been taught by someone that its acceptable, like my children who say it doesnt matter in a history essay just in English lessons!!


I havent got a real pet hate, I dont think...maybe people who see change as a bad thing before they've even tried it, and people who are two faced. Be honest with me, because I will always be honest with you. xD

Guest Mrs Tiggy Winkle
and we wouldn't want to discriminate against those with distypia would we Mrs T? :(

Surely you mean dystypia Maz :oxD


My lil sis has just pointed out that we wouldn't accept mathematical errors from teachers in books or on displays - so she argues it's the same thing? Is it - or do we accept that grammatical and spelling errors are less important than mathematical ones?


Hmm, I think they probably are, I don't think a ship could be sunk from spelling errors whereas it probably could from mathematical!

Guest Mrs Tiggy Winkle



Pots and kettles come to mind! :o

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