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Thanks for that link, Jacquie. Funnily enough, I had just bumped into one of my ex-parents who was telling me about that article. She, like many members of the general public, had no idea about EYPS, funding or lack of it, and what it means for early years settings. Let's hope this article has gone some way to spreading the information. :o


It is so sad that Early years professionals outside of teaching are not recognised for their experience and qualifications, I am a registered childminder just completing my BA Hons in Education and Childcare, the only way that I can earn more money is to change my job. I cannot claim NEG unless I become an accredited childminder, even if I complete the EYP status. The Government surely must recognise that we are as qualified as teachers and just as important to young children's care and education.





Hi may sound a bit silly here but what is NEG Thanxs


Hi may sound a bit silly here but what is NEG Thanxs


Nursery Education Grant.


I was interested to read that Local Authorities have been given enough money to give each group £15,000 a year to top up salaries - someone must be having my share because I haven't had anywhere near as much as that! xD


Aspect are getting some good coverage about their research and their charter - picked up my copy of the Charter at the Show at the weekend but haven't actually looked at it yet!




Hi again, havent heard of NEG before and I questioned it as it was mentioned you had to be accrediated to claim this ?


Thanks for the link.....don't know what to say really................ xD:(:o:(xD :wacko: :(


Thanks for that Jacquie - it was really interesting.


So what we can expect is that lots of the more academically able early years workers will be funded to gain a degree level qualification and then these well qualified staff could drift off into other sectors to find higher salaries (and who can blame them?).


Surely this will make the early years sector worse off in the long run?


I know that being able to achieve a degree does not necessarily make you a better childcarer but we could end up losing a large number of the more motivated people in our sector who are most able to drive practice forward and bring the improvements and innovations which help us all to do a better job.


I am studying for a foundation degree at the moment and the EYPS is not looking very attractive to me as a next step. Early Years is my passion and I would not want to leave it but I will probably look towards a qualification which would allow me to earn a higher salary if I really neede to in the future. Who knows what is around the corner?


Perhaps the government needs to look for a better way to provide funding for these graduate leaders so that there is some incentive for them to stay.


What do others think?


Absolutely agree with you there, Alison; funding has to be available to pay for graduate leaders or the whole EYPS thing will not be the success we all hoped for.


Stimmo; the NEG is now called the Early Years Education Entitlement in many local authorities now. I'm not a childminder so don't know much about the regulations there, but I do think you need to be accredited and part of a network before you can access it. I'm ready to be shouted down, here, though, by our more knowledgeable members :o


Thanxs I received a letter today saying I can claim for for study , costs for implementing the EYFS, or if i have an assitant to pay them for when i study if needed, didnt know anything about this grant, I have been using the graduate leader fund to help pay for my courses. Spoke to another childminder this morning who is not in our network or accrediated or doing any other training and she wasnt happy. I will be lying if i said iam not going to claim for something but it will be towards more training .


Personally I feel all childminders could have a helping hand with a grant to buy various equipment for different activties that can help the new EYFS. :o

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