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Any Last Words?


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I get to be a nervous wreck which results in verbal diarrhoea and frequent trips to the loo so I always take 2 paracetamol an hour before to take the edge off my nerves.

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well, it was TERRIBLE!!! i was talking utter babble!!!! i knew what to say, i just couldnt get it out! i spent ages making my beautiful portfolio and i was unable to find bits and pieces, and one of the panel kept laughing, whether it was the 'i know what your saying and im agreeing with you' laugh, or the 'what on earth are you talking about' laugh i dont know.... if they put me through they are crazy!!!!

it was a good experience anyhow, they are going to give us all feedback which is good.

the only positive thing was that i think my personality stood out, so hopefully they will remember me, and not for the wrong reasons, and maybe give me a second chance and see me in action...

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Hi Quertylove369


I'm sorry to hear you felt your interview did not go well today, but thought I would give you a few words of comfort;


We have been interviewing over the last four weeks and have had a range of both suitable and 'not so suitable' candidates.

We were fortunate enough to be able to take on two members of staff. One had to be qualified but the second person we chose had not been to an interview for ten years. She was bright, happy and bubbly, showed lots of enthusiasm, flexible in her working hours and easy to talk to. I must also add that she was absolutely terrified, even though you couldn't come across a more informal interview! Because of the way she came across we decided she would be the most suitable candidate for the position as we felt she would fit well into our team of staff.


So don't be too concerned you may not have been able to recite the EYFS by heart, by being yourself could well put you

at the top of their list. Look forward to hearing you got the job soon :oxD

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it was a primary pool in my area. so no particular school or year group. i have to wait 3 days to find out!! its not the only way to get a job i know, im just annoyed at myslef because i know my stuff, i just cant get it out!

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it was a good experience anyhow, they are going to give us all feedback which is good.

Well I'm sure you did better than you thought - and when you get your feedback perhaps you'd like to give them a bit of your own. Whichever the panel member's reason for laughing it was incredibly unprofessional - shame on them!


Let us know when you do! For now, chalk it up to experience and try to forget all about it - three days isn't very long is it? Although I'm sure you probably won't think so... :o



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i know, I'm happy to have got through to the interview stage to be honest, there were so many applicants in the first place so thats an ego boost i guess. I know, 3 days isnt long at all, and I have many other things to be worrying about in the mean time; 3 assignments and a little thing called a dissertation!!

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