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Personally I quite like the idea of keeping it within the forum so as to get people to look around, but im listening to the popular voice..

However I know Peggy's favourite colour is yellow, if that helps? :o


How much do you charge? xD


Sorry, will try to stop being silly!


Okay, I'm getting an idea which may be very silly or may just work - you decide! How about a 'favourite things quiz which can be started this weekend? We post a thread asking forum members to divulge some of their favourite things - could be songs, bands, colours, food, places, games, website etc. Between now and Children in Need members can post as many times as they like telling us about their favourite things. Then on the evening we start a new thread with questions about these things - how many people have yellow as their favourite colour and who are they, whose favourite band is Queen etc. We can also use chat to extend this in some way.


Now tell me what you think but be nice! :o

Personally I quite like the idea of keeping it within the forum so as to get people to look around, but im listening to the popular voice..

Actually I agree with you mundia. After all - we talk about such a wide range of things on here there will be so many topics we can choose from. xD


If people wanted to broaden it though, perhaps we could have one section for members' questions which could be about any subject?


Beau: just to develop your idea perhaps we could do a version of a radio classic: Desert Island Picks where we get to choose ten favourites from a pre-determined list? Here are my suggestions:-




1. Single music track

2. Album

3. Children's story book

4. Adult novel

5. Quotation (childcare related or not)

6. Joke

7. Snacks and drinks to consume whilst reading the Forum

8. Cartoon character

9. Memory

10. Childcare/early education guru


Unless of course you can think of any better categories? :o




would take too much thinking for your list Maz.. certainly for me.. don't have many I could actually call favourites for them.. would prefer a simpler version - colour, place, band, song, animal, food, drink, etc etc


but wouldn't that come down to single posts for most.. or is that no bad thing!


Like the other one of asking questions on previous answers .




I'm really liking the way this is going! The anticipation will be great this way, and there'll be lots of hunting through past posts if you've missed something that would give you the answer....


Why thank you Jacquie - I think! :o


PS, I like Queen, too


Yes it seems to be shaping up well. I do think we should keep the questions internal. What about including something on avatars as well.

I'm wondering if Maz's question 7 is just too easy. Wine , wine and wine, would be the majority answer wouldn't it? :o

any questions directed at me should have the very simple answer...........H, H and H again!!! xD:(

It might be simple to you narnia - but you've totally lost me now. I had the plot once, I'm sure I did. Where did it go? :o

Well, I know what you mean! :o

Is there a secret 'H' society thing going on here - is he a Marillion band member?

Well yes we need one don't we then we can all judge for ourselves xD

Perhaps we could submit our own FSF pin ups and vote for the best one? But then I do have such strange taste in men! :o




Mr h is the Voice of Marillion. If you log onto the site there's a video, which includes all band members, playing before you need to enter properly.






And it's far more than a matter of 'pin up' with H!

And it's far more than a matter of 'pin up' with H!

So its not the H fom Steps then? :o

this thread seems to be doing quite well as CIN contribution, without anything else being decided!

But you know what's missing Susan: the competitive element! Who can get to the answer first? Who can raise the biggest laugh? Who can make the worst pun? I'm still hanging out for a quiz! :o


It looks like a quiz it is then.


Beau has begun the 'my favourite things' thread which if you havent seen it, you can find here


But we would like your questions too for the quiz. Its an FSF quiz so answers must be found within but if you have questions you would like asked on the big night please pm them to me (don't post them here the quiz hasn't started yet).

They can be as easy or as tricky as you like, its good to have a mixture for the newer members and the old hands.


So thinking caps on, just one or two questions is enough (although if you can manage more then great), so we can have another great night for children in need.


I will try very hard for you, mundia - although, I suppose I'd better steer clear of Marillion???


And well done for putting the quizmaster hat on again!


Sue xx

And well done for putting the quizmaster hat on again!


Sue xx


Oh Sue did I forget to say, 'the lovely sue r is taking over the quizmaster role this year?'




Smelling salts all round - AAAARGHH!!


OOOOOOOOOOOOO........My son does a lovely headless chicken thing for me when asked something !!!


Really???? :o:(xD



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