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Hi peeps. Children in need will be upon us quite soon (November 14th) and those of you that have been around with the FSF for a while will know that we usually play our own part by doing something within the forum. Last year we held a FSF quiz, in repvious years we have had limericks, add a line to a story and so on.


So we would like your ideas on what we can do this year within the forum this year. Obviously participation of many members is prettty crucial to the event what ever it ends up being.


SO over to you, what would you like us to do?

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Given recent experiences, how about the most difficult to understand conversation in live chat? :o


The quiz was great fun, although as Sue R has said, it did take a lot of organsing. However if everyone contributed a question...


Is there a Forum record we could beat? We've done the longest thread, didn't we try to beat the most people online together?


I shall have to have a good think - might be tricky but I'll give it a go!



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Those of us who have a badge or a mug could take photos of them in odd or exotic places.... :o


I quite like the idea of a limerick competition - must go and look up the last one!


The quiz was great for getting to know how the forum works - I learned all sorts of stuff (not least that I couldn't count properly!).


I'll keep thinking - but what ideas does everyone else have??




PS: looked at the limericks - we've probably done Pudsey to death so perhaps we could choose another topic? xD

Edited by HappyMaz
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Most people in chat room

Longest chat

24 hour chatathon

Largest number visiting chatroom over 24 hours


as you can see i am feeling chatty!

mundia were chatting about this last night. I'm all for a chat-based element for CIN this year - but mundia says it is problematic because chat isn't visible on the rest of the Forum. I like the idea of a 24 hour chatathon especially: I'm sure I could keep it going all by myself! :o


If the quiz gets the most votes perhaps we could have some questions that can only be answered by going into chat to ask someone? The quiz last year was a mix of stuff you either knew the answer to or didn't, but also stuff that you had to hunt around the forum to find. So popping into chat to ask someone a question might work well.


How many of us can actually access chat though - that might be a bit limiting if people have difficulty actually getting in!



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mundia were chatting about this last night. I'm all for a chat-based element for CIN this year - but mundia says it is problematic because chat isn't visible on the rest of the Forum. I like the idea of a 24 hour chatathon especially: I'm sure I could keep it going all by myself! :o


If the quiz gets the most votes perhaps we could have some questions that can only be answered by going into chat to ask someone? The quiz last year was a mix of stuff you either knew the answer to or didn't, but also stuff that you had to hunt around the forum to find. So popping into chat to ask someone a question might work well.


How many of us can actually access chat though - that might be a bit limiting if people have difficulty actually getting in!





They say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness Maz :( (although, thinking about it, I'm sure you have other symptoms too xD )


I like the idea of incorporating 'chat' into the evening, but as an addage, because I think (not sure) you're right in that some people can't access it.


your ideas also made me think that maybe if a quiz is agreed we could also incorporate a type of 'can you do' skills element, ie upload a useful doc, picture etc.

The quiz last year helped many to become more familiar with the forum so a skills task could also help improve peoples experience of the forum too. :(

Maybe if a quiz is agreed it doesn't have to be exactly the same quiz type questions, maybe some general knowledge and also some Q.A. type questions such as if there was any resource you'd like to find in the forum what would it be?- answers could be fun such as 'a virtual wine cooler to stop me having to leave the computor to go to the fridge,' :wacko: or more childcare related questions re: resources. Then members could link to posts which give the answers, upload info, or add their own answers. :(


Now with that lot going on I think I will really get giddy without the aid of any vino. xD



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narnia, whatever we do should run over the weekend probabaly so hopefully yo will still be able to join in!


We can run a long chat event alongside the main event but as maz explained, whatever happens in chat isnt visible to the rest of the forum and ther's no record of it, so people wh cant make the night itself will miss out. Also if peole cant access chat then its not very inclusive.

It does appear that the quiz is a popular idea and I did thouroughly enjoy the last one despite the work involved.

I do like the idea of having some questions that need to be answered by going into chat to ask but it will mean that whoever is n chat being preapred to be asked a simple question about themselves...nothing tooo perosnal maybe just favourite colour, song, number of children etc etc..that type of thing so do shout if you're not too keen on that idea.

Id also like to know what peole think about general questions outside of the forum or questions lke last year that evolved only in the forum (meaning you have to look!).


It doesnt mean this is a final decsion by the way, if other people come up with better ideas, we can still do something else...

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Not around last year , but the questions outside the forum as well may be interesting.. also perhaps one or two about making a link or attachment or uploading a photo or something along those lines which will help members learn this skill..


Would be willing to sit in chat for a question to be 'fired at me' if needed.. just give me the time.. think this would need some coordinating and timing to do though...



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Maybe the chat questions can be to whoever is in there, ie: Whats your favourite colour, then the person who gets that answer posts in the CIN thread Peggy's favourite colour is yellow. Then as the night goes on we can ask this question "What is Peggy's favourite colour?. ( but of course you all know the answer to this one now xD:( )


Does that make sense?


To summerize, the answer to questions asked in chat can become the basis for additional questions in the quiz as the night progresses. :o



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Sounds quite good to me especially the idea of a question in chat then being asked again on the thread. It will be chaotic, but who cares? That will be much more fun. My only reservation about questions from outside the forum is that it opens up so many things. Do I need to start swotting up on Marillion Narnia and Sue ?

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Do I need to start swotting up on Marillion Narnia and Sue ?

And the complete works of Monty Python. Don't forget to practice your "answering the question before last" skills which will be very handy in chat on the night. Oh, and perhaps you could also swot up on the fortunes of certain football teams... :o



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Aha! Undiscovered expertise to share..... anyone a psychic - I'm thinking Lotto - ?

A friend just told me that her parents just won £50,000 on the Euromillions lottery! I didn't see that coming, so I probably can't help out with the psychic abilities! xD


However I know Peggy's favourite colour is yellow, if that helps? :o

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