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Let's Celebrate


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Ive been reading and listening a lot recently about what people are saying about feeling deflated, fed up, confused, angry, low, miserable etc about the EYFS or the management of, and it got me thinking today.


I think we, in early eyars, because of our passion for what we do, are very good at beating ourselves with a big stick, and sometimes we need to just take a step back and look at what we do achieve.


SO I thought it would be good to celebrate together what we are doing well, what changes we might have made that are for the better. It doesnt mater how small, but just think, what has gone well for you in the past few weeks, and tell us about it.


Go on, dont be shy, if everyone reading this today says just one thing, we'll have a very long therad by the weekend..


Who wants to start?

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At last being able to offer parents what they want.. for children to stay all day in a place they are happy...


Smiling faces running in to greet you who last week screamed the place down..


Children with little English instead of being silent trying hard to make you understand by talking loudly in their first language...



Edited by Inge
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A fantastic grant of £2500 to use on implementing the EYFS has enabled us to buy lovely cupboards on wheels that means at last we are able to provide continuous provision instead of having all out equipment locked up in a cupboard that was almost impossible to access on a regular basis. :(


The opportunity to apply for a tranforming outside space grant that if successful will mean that we will have a free flow, covered outside area instead of taking children through the car park to a small piece of grass. Fingers crossed we get it! :(


Although hard work, the beautiful learning journeys we are producing that are valued by parents and children. (Wish my children had one). :wacko:




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Being able to use one simple planning system instead of 2 for those of us in mixed birth to three/Foundation stage rooms/settings.




This is the best thing for me too as planning co-ordinator!!


I didn't mind B23 and FS but they were definately round peg/square hole!!

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I had a little boy today who is Slovakian and he spent weeks crying when he started. and today bless him doing an activity with some staff members he said "apple" then "green apple" brought tears to my eyes and I told my staff what a good they had done to get him to that stage.

AHHHHH it was lovely


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Mrs b and Inge you said it!


Also being able to allow children to put there (whoops - and she's a teacher!!) hands in the paint, collect leaves and throw them into the air.


...but only when the foundation leader isn't looking :oxD


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last week we started with a flower border to brighten up our outdoor area, which took us to mud pies and wormeries,

one child's interest in the weather had us outside today in the wind with long long ribbons twirling and flapping, (and all the other words that they came up with)

number recognition today had us finding our favourite track on the cd player and dancing to backyardigans (18) fimbles (5) and ballamory (9) ...(i remember and i bet they do tomorrow too!!)

we have used every sized block we possess to build and stack to make towers and steps to climb

planning for children's interests is wonderful, as is the freedom to go with where they lead we've had fun, they've had fun and i will at some point over the weekend stick all the photos in the planning folder dutifully linked to the eyfs,

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:o We were only talking about this tonight at our plannning session.

All my staff have said that since we changed our planning and keyworking system we all are actually getting to know the children really well. all their quirky little ways(don't you just love them!!!! well some of them!!) and as we plan for them the following eweek after observing we are actually seeing improvements in behaviour,listening skills amongst all other areas.

Even though we feel we are doing a lot more paperwork (or is it just me!!!) we seem to be getting alot more out of our day!

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Freeflow - I thought we couldn't possibly do it in our nursery but we've tried and we can! And the children love it. First week everybody was outside all the time but gradually the children have sort of regulated themselves. staff like it too so a real win win


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My staff actually enjoying the key worker system. Getting to know their children well.



Using the home/school books as they should be used. That is encouraging parents to write in them at home about things they have done however small.




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Great topic, Mundia!


:o I sent "My Learning Journey" home with 8mth old J.


Mum told me next day it made his Dad cry! Seeing in words and pictures how much J does and enjoys while not with them, and how it ALL counts as learning.


Parents shared it with grandparents, Auntie and god-parents who ALL loved it.


Worth EVERY second of the time it took/takes!! xD



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As an NQT in a Reception class, who although absolutely enjoys my teaching experience, frequently worries I'm not doing things right to enable the children to experience the best opportunities (keep getting mixed message regarding best practice and trying to fit EYFS principles into school format), I'm really enjoying seeing my children engaging and thriving in the activities and wanting to be involved in the small focus group activities. Hearing the parents comments after our performance in our Harvest service last week made me feel positive and truly proud of all my children.

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Feeling so proud of how well the staff have embraced the eyfs and building positivr links with other settings and carers our children have.

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Dont be too jealous Beau, I'm working in a new purpose built, highly recommended setting, but today I was told it was 'no mess Friday'. So the EYFS is up and running really well here!

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A little boy, new to the country, no english and clinging to his mother last month. :(


Yesterday, running inside, happy, smiling and shouting... Thomas! Thomas! Out came Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends to engage this former frightened little boy....who now also leaves with a smile! :o


Mum too needed a smile and a friendly face and although this is what people usually find in our setting I think the eyfs has brought it all together. xD

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Dont be too jealous Beau, I'm working in a new purpose built, highly recommended setting, but today I was told it was 'no mess Friday'. So the EYFS is up and running really well here!


Is it really No Mess Friday? Hang on a minute, I need to just run and inform my children - yippee! :o

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Being part of a team where the staff chat together every morning about what activities and equipment to offer their key children, working together to write each session plan based on children's comments and the fun they had yesterday! Remembering I'm being paid to plan for children to have a 'party' every day!

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Guest matkat
And cheers Mundia this is a brilliant thread.


giving children the chance to select and play with their choices without help matkat

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Guest Wolfie
Being part of a team where the staff chat together every morning about what activities and equipment to offer their key children, working together to write each session plan based on children's comments and the fun they had yesterday! Remembering I'm being paid to plan for children to have a 'party' every day!


That's a lovely comment on it all! :o

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