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New(ish) Profile Page


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Hi -

When we last upgraded the forum software I introduced a new extended profile page with things like friends lists, visitors and so on.


I completely forgot that I said I'd ask how people felt about this after a month or so, in case they found it a bit too informative. So I'm just asking now for a bit of feedback to see if people are now happy with the page or if you'd like to go back to the much more basic page we used to have.


Let me know what you think, either here or by PM! :o

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Just looked at yours Steve to remind myself...I'm not sure about the visitors bit. I get paranoid 'why were they here?', 'what did they want?' :o

I cant remember what the old one was like but the visitors and the comments and the friends are a bit, urm, useless??? :(xD

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Thats what I like to see, swift, decisive action. :o

Give that man a job with Ofsted. Or the CWDC. Or DCSF (whichever order those letters go in!). In fact Steve: couldn't you go and work for them all and give them a little shake up?? xD



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