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Everything posted by SueFinanceManager

  1. HI Just reading this article London is becoming a city without children At a glance: The birth rate in London has fallen by 17% in nine years Families are being squeezed out as house prices and rent become unaffordable for many As a result schools are closing in their droves as they struggle to fill classrooms The government says it is up to local authorities "to balance the supply and demand of school places" Are any of you based in London and seeing your numbers falling? It must be very worrying for all concerned, both the staff but also the families that wish to remain at a school under the threat of closure. Are you in a nursery setting that is also facing closure due to lack of numbers? Would love to hear your thoughts on the subject if you are experiencing a drop in numbers, not just in London. Sue
  2. Happy birthday Cait .... enjoy the sunshine and I hope you are spoilt rotten today 🍰🎈🎂💗
  3. Oh yum they look sooooo good 😋
  4. Go and listen to what Neil Leitch CEO of the EY Alliance thinks about the new funding.....see here:
  5. Listen to the verdict of Neil Leitch - CEO of the Early Years Alliance on the latest plans from the chancellor for childcare costs in the budget.
  6. Congratulations Louby .... can I ask what you got? A new grandson or granddaughter? Did you say and I missed it? Hope your daughter is on the mend 💗
  7. I am sure if you made it again it would be perfect....no loft insulation in sight 🍋💗
  8. Crusty bread/crackers with a meat & cheese platter and grapes is a winner with most people especially with a bit of chutney / hummus / sundried tomatoes / olives Easily transported too lol Quiche sounds good 😋
  9. Happy Friday all I genuinely do not know where the weeks go. I know they say as you get older time goes quicker but at the current rate I must be about 105 lol Hope the sun is shining where you are and you can all get out for some fresh air (been very fresh here in Sussex....brrrr) over the weekend. Sue x
  10. Hi louby loo I was not aware Sketchers did walking shoes but the most comfortable shoes I own are my sketcher's golf shoes which even after 4 hours on the golf course still feel like slippers lol I also have some trainers which are fab.....must now research walking boots!!!
  11. Hi Mundia How wonderful to hear from you....I too am still here starting as a member of the forum 2003 and then from 2007 working part-time in the afternoons with Steve trying to grow the forum. I remember the events you recall Mundia with quizzes etc. One of my favourite things was the FSF bunny Rosie that used to get posted from setting to setting until someone lost her or maybe kidnapped her lol but she did go missing never to be found again 😕 The forum has always been a warm and welcoming place and I have only ever really found it a challenge when a small group (you know who you are) start talking about Christmas in September 🤣🤪😆 Sue x
  12. Just a quick message to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a restful and safe holidays. I hope the above will not offend anyone but I saw it and thought it would be highly amusing if queenie did say this on the 25th....she would be voicing what we are all thinking 🤣🤣 Hopefully next year I will get to spend a bit more time on the forum with you lovely lot ❤️ Big hugs, Sue
  13. Thanks for the clarification Finleysmaid. I am going to move this conversation to Practice and Provision: General issues as this forum area is all about using this forum.
  14. Hi DebBrad Can I just make sure I understand your question so I can try and help. Do you mean content from the Dept of Education for all things Early Years or are you talking about content from a local authority? Which portal are you talking about? Best wishes, Sue
  15. Happy Birthday Cait
  16. Yes I took the comments to the developers and they are too scared of sunnyday so back to normal 🤣
  17. Hi The education team have put together some info that you can refer to if you wish, it is on our sister site for Tapestry but feel free to use it: Preparing for September 2021 in the EYFS EYFS in September 2021 with Tapestry - using Tapestry
  18. Can I ask is it just sunnyday that is not a fan? To explain, this squished view with the details box at the top of the page is present when a thread goes over 3 pages on the new version of the forum and as this thread exceeds that 🤣 hence the new view. I have spoken to the devs and it can be turned off and we can revert to the previous view but before I do that anyone else got an opinion? Sue
  19. This might be of interest to you
  20. Hiya I will ask the devs what this weirdness is all about lol Hold the line please lol Sue x
  21. Hi Emma You cannot post in the Surrey area as they did not renew their LA scheme this year and the Surrey area has therefore been closed. I did email all the Surrey users on the 8/2/21 to let everyone know this would be happening so if you did not see that email please check the email we have for you is correct. You can email customer.service@eyfs.info and we can update the email if necessary. Your own individual account will soon be reduced to member status and so you will then not be able to post on the forum as you need to be a member to do so. You pay to renew, it is just £20 plus VAT so £24 in total for a years membership, just go here: I hope you will decide to renew and continue to find the site useful. Sue Admin Team
  22. Hi If you have a few minutes can you help with this research project 🙂 Statement of IntentThis research study aims to identify whether or not left handed children aged between 3 and 5 years old face any challenges in their early years’ education, and if there is a need for additional support and/or awareness.As early years educators you are best placed to give your views and opinions in these matters in the form of a questionnaire and a possible interview. Participants are able to give consent to continue to the interview stage (conducted electronically) however, only 3 will be selected to participate.There is scope for this research to impact on policy and practice. However, this is not its intended purpose, which is purely academic, as a part of the completion of my Honours Degree in Education, Society and Development at University Centre South Devon.Data gathered for this study will remain confidential, kept on a password-protected computer and seen only by me, the lead researcher. Identifying data will be kept to a minimum in the gathering of this research and anonymised in the publishing. Gathered data will only be stored for as long as is needed to complete the research and destroyed thereafter. This is in accordance with the British Educational Research Association (2018), the General Data Protection Regulation (2018), and the Data Protection Act (1998).Participants are free to withdraw from the process without explanation up until a completed questionnaire has been submitted. After this point questionnaires will be coded and therefore only identifiable to the individual.A summary of the completed research will be sent to the participating institutions.If you have any questions at any point please contact student30034817@gmail.comhttps://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAO3ojLdUODE5WUU2VkJKODRTOFpKREVKWkNRMzRFUi4u
  23. Hi Jo jo I wonder if this might be worth a read:
  24. Froglet did you see these articles about resilience, you could always refer parents to the first one in your communications with them:
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