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Everything posted by Stargrower

  1. Some have said yes straight away. Some are worried that it's too soon. Some are very happy at home on 80% pay.
  2. When we closed on 27th March I felt like my heart broke. But this is even worse. I am trying to balance the children/staff thing like everyone else but can't bear the thought of what our lovely nursery will be like when (if) we return.
  3. Does anyone have any thoughts on children who attend more than one setting? Will you be asking parents to choose one or the other for now?
  4. Goodness I wasn't suggesting we all unfurlough and jump back in., or that I would put anyone at risk. Just that we (in my case) were never told to close, so I'm guessing we won't be told when to open. My LA send out a survey each week asking if we're open or closed but have never given any direction or advice on the situation.
  5. I think as we were never told to close, we can choose when it is safe and viable to open? Settings have either stayed open for children of keyworkers and vulnerable children, or made the decision to close, either because they didn't have enough children or staff to stay open, or because they decided it was safer to close.
  6. I'm paying 80% and claiming 40%. I intended to pay 100% but can't afford to now. All my staff were due a pay increase this month too but that now can't happen, only for the very few on living wage.
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