We are a committee run setting and have asked the trustees to look at staff pay again, for the second time this year, especially as they will soon have to advertise for a new level 3 staff member.
Level 3 pay has been pegged back so that unqualified staff are earning only a few pence less than level 3s due to the minimum wage increase in April. It literally is pence and this leaves little incentive for anyone taking on a level 3 role and additional responsibilities. Several years ago there was a hierarchy set up with pay for individual roles and levels. Since then other staff pay rises have not kept up with the rise in minimum wage.
Can any committee settings suggest how they now research a realistic wage for level 3 and level 6 staff, deputy, manager, administrator, especially given the funding challenges we all face? Even many job advertisements merely say 'salary dependent on experience'. The last national survey was some years ago now so is no longer helpful. Does your local council offer any guidance? It would be good to share any advice at the next committee meeting.