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Everything posted by Gezabel

  1. Sitting here feeling pretty miserable due to a good old dose of COVID but i am so utterly thrilled to read your news. It really has cheered me iup no end :-0
  2. I have now! Luckily she is a hand knit fan! i just thought i would wait for the 20 week scan. She is now positively blooming - saw them the other night and to see her hand so gently and protectively on the bump was just fantastic!. They took lots of 'extra' scan pictures as she is classed as an older mum (37) but everything was just fine :-)
  3. I can't actually quite believe i am writing this. My daughter in law is now 21 weeks pregnant. Had the 20 week scan and everhting is absolutely fine. Everything where it should be and there is no mistaking it's a boy! There are no words to express how i feel but still got everything croaseed.
  4. So sorry to hear you didn't get the news you were hoping for. Fingers crossed it still may come - maybe taking longer than youwished for xx
  5. I have read the governement's resposne document about thise changes. Are they actually going to publish a revised/updated EYFS does anyone know?! One of the things i saw was about adding 'devices to safeguarding' but no more detail. Pretty sure we will be convered by our current policy on all things techy but it would be nice to know!! Rant over :-) I do wonder why it's so last minute too. Oh and a little exciting update - we have had everything crossed for my son and daughter in law with the success of their third round of IVF. All going well and 20 week scan coming up - so pleased but still just cautiously optimistic.
  6. Thank you all. I think it will be the longest pregnancy in history! So far so good. She has terrible morning sickness and whilst she dearly wishes it would go away she is kind of glad as it is a reminder that she is actually pregnane.! They really can't quite believe it yet - there has been so much heartache along thw way but we are just remaining cautiously optimistic. Thanks again x
  7. Just over a year ago i shared the devastating news that my daughter-in laws second round of IVF had ended in a miscarriage, Today is my sons birthday and we popped round. He presened me with a beautiful 12 scan picture done last week. They have been discharged from the IVF hospital and are now under the usual ante-natal care process. They have been told from now on it will be treated like a 'normal pregnancy' We are thrilled and are cautiously optimistic that it really will be third time lucky. I have no idea where they get their strength from - the preparation before the embryo can be implanted is gruelling to say the least. I wonder if any of you are religious would you please remember them in your prayers.
  8. Thank you sooo much for all your replies.
  9. They have already been back for compliance and were happy with changes in place. It will be a full inspection but no notice
  10. Thanks Louby Loo. There won't be a phone call as it is a follow up from an inadequate rating (more children and more staff then). All the paperwork that is expected to be asked for is in a folder all nicely labelled. There are plenty of supply staff so i wonder if they would let them phone to call someone in.
  11. I am sure this is the wrong place but i struggled to find my to where it should be! I am sure you clever lot might know the answer to this query. If you have 10 children (all aged 3-4) and have 2 staff working. The manager is Level 4 and the other member is Level 3 I know that is legal in terms of ratios. However, in this scenario what happens for an OFSTED inspection? Can hardly have one member of staff off doing learning walk and finding perwork and leave the other one with all 10 children. I feel there should be an obvious answer but suffering from brain fade! Huge thanks in advance
  12. Raising my Prosecco here. Thanks for being part of this community Panders. It won't be the same without you. Rest in Peace lovely lady❤️
  13. Apparently she looked at him and then looked again and said i am sure i know you. Then he saw his framed photo on the wall and just pointed and said "Yep! that's me and you made my jacket!'
  14. Oh dear that was a bit of a waffle - sorry!
  15. Similar to my son! He wrote to a certain programme that used to fix things for children, He asked to be a policeman for the day and said he would put the bad people under arrest! He never got a reply so wrote to our local station addressing his later to 'the most important policeman'. They came up trumps and he had an incredible day at police headquarters ( got picked up from home with blue lights going!) They made him his own high vis jacket. That was way back in 1987. Fast forward to 2018 and he transferred from the Met back home to Suffolk. He went to get measured for his new uniform and there was a picture of him age 6 in his high vi jacket - quite incredible the lady measuring him was the same lady who made that jacket all those years ago!!
  16. Wonderful news and many congrats. My son is a serving officer and once said to me "Mum how many people do you know that get to live their dreams? I am living my dream every day when i go to work" I had my proud mum moment a few weeks ago when i heard he passed his Sergeants exams. Hope you granddaughter loves it just as much
  17. Oh my goodness i am so deeply shocked and saddened by this news. Thank you for taking the time to let us know during this difficult time for your family. I have fond memories of Pander's numerous contributions on the forum. I trust the knowledge she was so highly thought of in the forum will bring you some comfort to your family. Thoughts and prayers are with you all x
  18. Nope an avid fan here! on the edge of my seat and confess to shouting/shrieking a few time🤣
  19. proud owner of my first ever i-cord😂
  20. oh my goodness how right you are. Just watched a video and you only use 2 needles. If i am right the secret is not to turn the needles but to slide the stitches up - off to have a go - many thanks again
  21. Thank you so much for this :-) The instructions are very short and sweet : cast on 3 sts on a den. Using 2 dpns knit an i-cord for 12 rows. Pull through to cast off. I must be thick! if i just use 2 dpns surely it is no different to using ordinary needles. From my googling i thought you had to have 3 needles and then use a fourth as a naked needle!
  22. I have looked back for you lovely socks! I wonder whether you knit of a circular needle or whether you used double pointed individual needles? When my Granddaughter was born 4 years ago someone gave her one of those comforters - a small square of fabric with a monkey head on it. My son had the great idea of buying two more! During her 4 yrs one monkey has stayed at home , one in her nursery bag on nursery days and one goes with her out and about. She can't tell the difference as they have been rotated - not even sure if she knows she has more than one! Now she is about to start school in september, The school are adamant no toys or teddies and absolutely no monkey! She doesn't physically need it but she does need to know he is in her bag - he never comes out at nursery but she likes to know he is there! Sooo we have asked the school and the answer is no he cannot come and stay in her bag, I have managed to find a knitting pattern for a 'pocket monkey' which we are going to put on a key ring and have it on her bag just as a 'keyring'. There are numerous crochet patterns but i can't crochet! I have com to knit the monkey and the tail and legs are knited on double ended needles something i have never done. I have googled an someone knitting socks cast on 45 stitches and split them to 15 on each of 3 needles and then they use a 'naked' 4th needle to knit the rounds. My problem is monkey's tail only has 3 stitches !! I have tried and tried and just can't do it. I am desparately hoping you might be explain to explain how to do - I am so frustrated ! I can do complex aran cardigans for her but can't get this knitting in a round - Help pleeeeeease :-) I would be so grateful .
  23. I am getting just a little excited! I started my training 50 years ago this month. I was one of a group of 23 students. Over the years sadly 3 have died but many of us have kept in touch. We had a 25 year reunion and next weekend we are meeting up for our 50th anniversary! I can't believe that it has been 50 years or that 12 of the original group will be there. The photo albums will be out for sure and lots of memories of our time together will be shared. It was a residential college so we lived and trained together!
  24. Sending virtual hugs Cait and hope all goes well
  25. You are so right but they were apparently insistent. One question was along the lines off "you have a family that you know do not have much money and suddenly the parents and child have new, very smart clothes and accessories the child has the latest technological toys et etc. what would you do??!!
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