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Everything posted by Gezabel

  1. Well confirmed case in a 2yr old for us. children and staff now is self isolation - setting closed as we have no staff 😞
  2. Brilliant! Thank you both so much 🙂
  3. Sadly my setting does not use Tapestry and therefore I know very little about how it all works. My Grandson's nursery do use it 🙂 I just wonder whether Grandparents (with parents permission of course) are allowed to log in to see all the lovely things my granson gets up to! My son didn't know but is happen to pass on his log in details to me but i said I would check with you guys. Thanks in advance for your help
  4. Have I misunderstood this i now wonder? 3.34. For children aged three and over at any time in registered early years provision when a person with Qualified Teacher Status, Early Years Professional Status, Early Years Teacher Status or another suitable level 6 qualification is not working directly with the children: there must be at least one member of staff for every eight children at least one member of staff must hold a full and relevant level 3 qualification at least half of all other staff must hold a full and relevant level 2 qualification
  5. I am confused! I thought you needed a level 3 to be 'in charge' and half the remaining staff needed to be at least level 2 - did i dream this?
  6. Oops! reminds me of my chocolate moment. I saw an amazing chocolate 'fretwork' decoration. It was made by drizzling melted chocolate over an inflated balloon, waiting for the chocolate to set and then pop the balloon. All went amazingly well with the drizzling, created a beautiful pattern ........ sadly the chocolate must have been slightly too hot as the ballon went POP. I was finding dried chocolate in places i didn't know i had in my kitchen!!!
  7. Not sure if this might be of help. I have had an email this morning from the Early Years Alliance. The guidance has changed in terms of who to contact if you have a COVID case confirmed in your setting. (The bold and red font is my emphasis) I just wonder if they may be able to offer advice for your situation? Maybe worth a phone call. The email says: However, this guidance has now been updated to state that: "You should contact the DfE Helpline on 0800 046 8687 and select option 1 for advice on the action to take in response to a positive case. You will be put through to a team of advisors who will inform you what action is needed based on the latest public health advice. If, following triage, further expert advice is required the adviser will escalate your call to the local health protection team."
  8. Thank you both so much - it's what i thought. I just couldn't find any clarification of what counts as a 'suitable level 6' - spent ages looking on various lists too!! Thank you again x
  9. Just wonder if any of you clever lot can clarify what a 'suitable level 6 qualification ' is in relation to staff:child ratios. I understand it's 1:4 for the 2's and 1:8 for the 3's & 4's. I was just reading that if you have a QTS, EYP or someone with Early Years Teacher Status present for most of the time the ratio can be 1:13. This section also says 'or another suitable Level 6 qualification'. Not that i want to use 1:13 but wonder if a BA(HOns) in Early Years would meet the criteria?? Thanks in advance
  10. Thank you all soooooooooo much for your helpful replies.
  11. Just wondering if anyone has any 'official guidance' on whether children should attend two settings from September onwards. This includes children being brought to pre-school by a child minder as well as children who attend other pre-schools? I have heard rumours and read various comments but I can't find any clarification or official guidance. Fingers crossed some of you lovely lot will know!
  12. Not sure why this post almost made me cry!! Maybe because I am a bit of an emotional wreck - (mainly due to not seeing my two grandchildren) or perhaps ( and i think more likely!) because it sums up the beauty of this forum and all it stands for. Not judged, not criticised, just listened to and made to feel welcome - always, whether as a regular poster or a 'blue moon' poster. I am guilty of not being around as much as I used to be - I joined in 2004 but sometimes life just gets in the way. Sending huge hugs and positive vibes to everyone her but particularly to those who face new challenges tomorrow.
  13. I heard someone say ( can't remember who!) they could pay their Mum to come in and clean the house and Dad to do the garden!!!
  14. Permission to be cross please .. and maybe a little selfish .. but Please can someone explain to me why nannies and cleaners (who both both work in other people's homes) are allowed to return to work - this means my son's cleaner gets to see my granddaughter and yet I can't ... need a crying emoji.
  15. New Government document published today. "Our Plan to rebuild: The UK Government's COVID-19 recovery strategy" Page 30 mentions EY settings:- The current planning assumption for England is that the second step may include as many of the following measures as possible, consistent with the five tests. Organisations should prepare accordingly. ● A phased return for early years settings and schools. Schools should prepare to begin to open for more children from 1 June. The Government expects children to be able to return to early years settings, and for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to be back in school in smaller sizes, from this point. This aims to ensure that the youngest children, and those preparing for the transition to secondary school, have maximum time with their teachers. Secondary schools and further education colleges should also prepare to begin some face to face contact with Year 10 and 12 pupils who have key exams next year, in support of their continued remote, home learning. The Government’s ambition is for all primary school children to return to school before the summer for a month if feasible, though this will be kept under review. The Department of Education will engage closely with schools and early years providers to develop further detail and guidance on how schools should facilitate this.
  16. Me too! Way back in 1973 when i started my training - one of the things we had to do was to make a smocked dress - took forever but was really pleased with it in the end. I went on to have four sons:-)
  17. I have a friend who has bought supermarket vouchers (after talking to parents) and sent them to EYPP families. Their gratitude was almost tangible. I think there was a directive from LEA that EYPP funds could/should be passed on to parents
  18. Oh bless you and thank you for the hug :-)
  19. I have a year to go until i retire - it utterly breaks my heart that this U turn will mean the end of my setting and many others :-((( The thought that i may have worked my last day is something i cannot get my head around.
  20. I am very concerned by the Early Years Alliance now saying there has been a U turn in furlough conditions - not sure what to make of it all now.
  21. Talking of book recommendations - someone suggested the Cocklebery Bay series - could i just say THANKYOU!! Now reading the third one in the series - great stuff
  22. I wonder too. My granddaughter is 18mths old and until very recently i had her one day a week whilst Mummy is at work. Of course that has stopped until this is all over. We have been doing zoom and/or FaceTime and she has now realised that it really is Granny she sees on the screen. When i ask her where Teddy (or anything else) is off she trots and comes back and shows it to the screen. When one conversation was ending my son asked her "Have you got a kiss for Granny?" When she kissed and hugged my son's phone i didn't know whether to laugh or cry - bless her heart. Stay safe everyone
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