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Children In Need; The Fsf Longest Thread....2

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Poor Steve he has missed all the fun

off in Wales he is seeing his mum

I know he'll be back

Maybe give me the sack?!!!

Aren't we great foundation stage Forum!!!



Well done folks I think we can stop now

We DID it! but goodness knows how

I can stop writing in verse

And go fetch my purse

And that really is all I'll allow




Gosh How I going to count all this lot!!


I cant remember how you said you would donate Mundia, I made a mental pledge to match yours. Are you paying by post, verse, line? I've got the council tax book sitting in front of me due on the 15th. :oxD

Oh well, you cant take it with you :(


Found it, 25p per verse. Thank you mundia :D:D


271x25=£67.75 thats per post and some posts had more than one verse. Sorry Birmingham City Council, you'll have to send me one of those letters again. :(:(


I'll say 'good morning' to you

I just can't believe that it's true!

Now Children in Need

Have supporters indeed :D

But now I must pop for a brew.


Gets to be a habit all tis rhyming. As Bruce Forsythe would say "didn't we do well?'


Hope that you aren't all too much out of pocket xD:o


I'd better do a bit of supply :(


Talk about marathon.

Right here we for Official statistics (well as official as my brain will let me after a fantastic 3 hour concert last night (most bands dont even manage 2 these days..)


WE penned 145 limerick style verses, although there are quite few odd lines and bits and bobs in there. W also wrote about 20 other ditties and poems..well done everyone for taking part.


At 25p per verse for each limerick thats £36.25. I said Id bung in an extra £10 is we passed the longest thread which we did by a long way (at end of play 269 posts compared to our previous best of 203 posts). Ill round it up to £50.


Obviously the 'rules' such as they were for anyone to donate as they wished (or not at all, there is no obligation to donate to C in N), so its difficult to estimate how much money the FSF has actually raised.

If people do want to let me know by pm how much they have donated then Ill try and come up with a rough estimate in a few days time.


But it doesn't have to end there. many moons ago seemingly in another life, someone suggested a book, sorry cant find the post. Would anyone be interested if seeing our masterpiece assembled into a booklet (all proceeds would of course go to Children in need). Could you let me know by pm? If there is enough interest, Ill see if I can make some sense and order from it all(!!!)


Finally Id like to say a really big thankyou to everyone who took part even if just by reading, I hope we have all had a laugh at some point as well as raised some cash for a good cause. It was down to all of you to make it the success and fun it was.

Id also like to thanks Steve in his absence for letting us get silly for a couple of days!


The all important place to donate (how could i forget that bit)

donate here please


Well, I'm happy to be thanked when I've done something brilliant and noble (which I do most days of course...), but not when I've had nothing to do with something.


I've just caught up with this, having been away most of last week for various reasons and I'm knocked out - well done everyone. Especially mundia - you do dream up some good stuff don't you?


Sorry not to have taken part in it - mind you, given the level of my poetry skills (just slightly better than the Vogons, if that means anything to anyone), you did well to organize it in my absence! :)

mind you, given the level of my poetry skills (just slightly better than the Vogons, if that means anything to anyone),


Did you not notice the contributions from the Azgoths of Kria then?



That aside, folks, thanks for your pms in the past week. I reckon we raised about £400 for Children in need so well done everyone


Fantastic Mundia and well done you for organising us all. I really had a lot of fun last weekend.


Now I do know about Vogons- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but as to Azgoths- don't remember them so no idea. :o

Fantastic Mundia and well done you for organising us all. I really had a lot of fun last weekend.


Now I do know about Vogons- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but as to Azgoths- don't remember them so no idea. xD



Psssst Jacquie same book but they write worse poetry than Vogons but arent as bad as someone from Redbridge (apparently) :o

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