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So need your advice, but I have a feeling I may know the answer!  Can you have equipment made for you by a parent or partner?  I have seen some fabulous equipment that costs a small fortune that I know could be made for a quarter of the price and on our small budget it is very tempting.  Would this be a complete no go area as the equipment would not have a safety standard kite mark on it.

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sshhh we've got loads of home made stuff! don't tell anyone they might want it! we also have loads of ikea furniture....I equipped the pre-school for £2000 when we moved! would have cost loads more from educational suppliers.

We also have home knitted clothes for the dolls. I've made lots of props over the years, we buy things from charity shops and our lovely gardener built half of the garden!

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Of course you can. :)  There are no rules about where your equipment comes from.  Just do your own risk assessments to make sure they are safe and suitable.

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