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Good luck with that Wendy - the last time I tried to log on/in it wouldn't allow me access so did the whole getting a new code thing - that didn't work either so ended up updating and sending them a hard copy with a request that they put it online for me.........they say they have but how would I know :ph34r: ::1a


Really ought to update this week - hmmm - don't think that will happen somehow :rolleyes:

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  • 11 months later...

We've got a new manager and I was wondering about trying to get a token, again.

Off the top of my head I've made 3 requests, for manager, temporary manager and manager. 

So, with that in mind is there a way I can get a SEF hard copy from somewhere for staff to write on, add post its to instead of trying to do the online one? 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎25‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 17:47, squirrel said:

Hi, I've read on a manager's forum that the SEF is being 'done away with'! Anyone know if that has any credence to it?

Yes, As from 1st April the form will be no more! Ofsted have reviewed it and decided that it is not necessary. Managers can still evaluate their practice and should be able to explain this to an inspector.

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