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Managing disposal of soiled nappies

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Could members please give advice on how they deal with disposal of soiled nappies. Do you LA waste collection services. Thanks


We are told they are normal household waste, not clinical waste (as anyone with a baby or young child will know). We put them in the normal bin. They go in a nappy sack, and we use a Sangenic nappy bin so they are double wrapped and sealed.


We always used to send them home with parents at the end of session as we had been led to believe (or assumed ?) that they were classed as clinical waste. Then, after reading a very similar question on here and thanks to the answers from the wonderful people on this forum, I actually phoned the disctrict council and was told they could go into the normal waste!!!


Ours go into normal rubbish - checked with Council and not classed as clinical waste and Ofsted only checked that we double bagged.


We'd always been led to believe we had to have separate collection for so - on top of the £50 a week we pay to get the normal bin empty - we pay £25 a fortnight for a yellow bin service. I need to look into this some more because obviously we all need to save money where we can!


We only pay £89.00 per quarter for yellow bin for a weekly collection and £360.00 per quarter for the normal bin (2 huge bins)


We only pay £89.00 per quarter for yellow bin for a weekly collection and £360.00 per quarter for the normal bin (2 huge bins)

We really struggled to find a contractor - there's no competition at all. The local council won't touch what they call trade waste so we end up using two of the big national waste disposal companies


We are based on a school site and are lucky enough to be able to use the schools waste disposal bin

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