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I am working with two year olds and am really really struggling ... I have never felt so anxious and frustrated ever!! I feel such a failure.


Basically transitions and routines in general are one challenge but also dealing with the copy cat screaming, running away, banging cups, and plain ignoring anything I say that sends the room into total chaos in seconds and no matter how many times I try to distract first then have to say no, stop or resort to moving children away, taking away cups...feeling increasingly out of control myself (which I know doesn't help!) ...I feel such a failure :(


there are three staff in the room which on paper is correct (minimum) for the amount of children we have but layout and organisation means staff have to leave the room to change children as toilets / potties are not in the room...meals have to be collected from across the nursery and as theres limited storage staff leave to collect / refresh resources from other rooms.


Getting children ready for going out is the bane of my life -we are not able to have direct access to outdoors, must go via other rooms so I cant get one ready and let them go out to play while I do the others... each KP has to control, keep an eye on four children while trying to put on their wellies, coats, waterproofs... and the children rarely cooperate with this!


Nappies - KP takes up to four of their children to the bathroom and so has to keep an eye on a couple of others at the same time as doing a nappy...and of course im in the middle of one and a child decides to go walk about...I call them..they ignore...I have the take the child off the mat..go after the other child...and then start again.

Also taking children to the potty takes a staff member out of the room so children have to be hurried up and there is no time any of the learning that could be achieved if routines were simpler and more relaxed.


Im not having a great time, feel hassled and rushed all day and I don't feel the children can really feel any better ...although Ive tried hard to relax things for them I feel like I have to keep up with other staff - more often than not I feel like the children are sheep being herded rather than children being nurtured and supported :(:( I feel they are missing out on so much Id like to put in place but the way it is at the moment change is seeming an impossible task as theres so many obstacles in the way that simply cannot be changed (like the location of the play area, the toilets etc)


Does anyone have any suggestions / tried and tested strategies for these issues??? or working with a roomful of this age group in general.

My gut tells me there are simply not enough staff...but that's not likely to be fixed anytime soon.



Chin up such a challenging age I'm sure your doing fab!

My sole piece of advice is pretend your a TV presenter for this age! Be silly, captivating, weird, funny this gets their attention as no, stop etc just create games - age said stop so if I run she will play chase yay off I go.......The vibrancy in the room is what gets this age going, sit on floor laugh and roll backwards within a few minutes most will have joined you or be watching you in anticipation. It's a hook, liner and sinker tried tactic to gain attention, keep attention achieve outcome. It's bloody tiring but well worth it! how excited you are about activities says everything to them. I wouldn't be taking four 2 year olds to toilet as the ability to follow instructions and wait while I changed a nappy is not something they can physically do at this age so you are putting yourself in a failing situation before it starts so increasing your stress and the children's, I would take 2 max. (This depends on toilets though as ours are out of room but just through two doors and close by) x

You also have your activities to look at make sure you are pritty much sensory based I.e sitting in cornflakes to help children express themselves using their whole bodies, I'm not going to waffle about activities as it sounds like you already may have looked at all that xxxx good luck and most of all have fun and they will too x

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Welcome. You are not alone, there are many threads on here about working with 2 year olds - the highs and the lows! We work with one above ratio and it is still a challenge. I know that I sometimes have to remind myself that these children are only two - still toddlers and be realistic about what I should expect, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't challenge them.


How many in nappies - is there anyway you could create a little 'changing area' in your room to end some of your journeys? Maybe brain storm the transition times to see if any changes could be made, use of parent helpers or students, could you take on an apprentice?


We don't always stick to keyperson groups. When going outside the most able and quickest children get ready first and go outside with adult/s and then adults help others until all adults and children are out. It is hectic but it does 'flow'. Ratios are maintained as adults move area with children.

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Always tricky when we cant see your layout...good idea about changing area...when you are going out could you do all but the boots in the classroom then put their boots on last minute before you go out...I would try and do outside play as soon as poss in the morning.

Try a first this then that approach

use divide and conquer methods

Music hath charms to calm the savage beast ...sing/play (and I don't mean background music which I would limit!)

Try and have fun ...this age group is challenging as often they can't express what they want/need

Can you stock pile a few boxes of resources out of reach for the day so that you have some more choices?

Lots of open ended play!

GOOD LUCK and keep calm!


Please don't feel like a failure.......


I don't take from two but from 2.5 and I might have been heard to remark this morning "it's like wading through treacle" with reference to a couple of 'tinies'........


I do think my 'set up' really helps - we area mix of 2.5, 3 and 4 year olds in one room - so never too many 'tinies' and they tend to learn from the older children.......


Just one thing - I never take any other children into the bathroom area when I am nappy changing - I like to preserve children's dignity.


Some great advice already given


Hope today was a little better for you :1b

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I do think my 'set up' really helps - we area mix of 2.5, 3 and 4 year olds in one room - so never too many 'tinies' and they tend to learn from the older children.......


and I've only being saying today that having 2,3 & 4yr olds in one room is what's causing us so much stress xD


but then my youngest was 2 last week and my oldest was 4 in October - in 1 room its causing us a major challenge!

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