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Safeguarding policy and prevent- help!

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I am just looking at updated our policies and have seen, collected and read a lot of information on the prevent duty.


May sound stupid but I'm not sure where or how exactly to fit it in to our safeguarding policy? Does it need to be in any others?


I use the PLA policies but for some reason it will not recognise my code to see updates. We currently have 35 policies to update and I'm so confused!


ANY advice is most welcome :(


hi klc106


I just added a section to my safeguarding policy and then a section to 'equality and diversity' about how FBV's are already embedded in our practice through the eyfs framework.

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Hi Klc106



The Prevent Duty mini guide PSLA.pdf




The PSLA's new British Values policy, just mentions right at the end this quote-



Prevent Strategy


Under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 [we/I] also have a duty “to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”


Legal framework


Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015


Further guidance


Equality Act 2010: Public Sector Equality Duty - What Do I Need to Know? A Quick Start Guide for Public Sector Organisations (Government Equalities Office 2011)

Fundamental British Values in the Early Years (Foundation Years 2015)

Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales (HMG 2015)

The Prevent Duty: Departmental Advice for Schools and Childcare Providers (DfE 2015)

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