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Hi all,


We have recently started to use Tapestry. We were wondering what other settings do, do you still print it off and keep it in a file for the child or is it all online? All of our parents have Internet access so can access it but we're unsure as to whether or not we still need to have a hard copy.


Hope someone can help with this!


We print. Though about 75% of our parents are signed up to Tapestry now, they don't all access it, and will look at the hard copy when we have parents' day. We also print to be able to take a hard copy to various meetings such as TAC meetings, and having a hard copy for every child in the office makes sure no-one is singled out.


I'd rather not print, but know from asking parents that CDRoms are not the answer as many of our families don't have computers at home (just phones with internet on). Printing double sided from the last printout at the end of each term still uses less paper and ink than the old paper Learning Journeys as we're only printing on a need by need basis.

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To the settings that haven't printed their learning journeys, how do you show them to Ofsted inspectors? Do you just ask them to look at them on the tablet/computer??




Do you show OFSTED them online then ?



We did! She was'nt clued up on it - in fact had'nt a clue - just wanted to knowhow we did 'next steps'


We still print off once a half term and when Ofsted came I showed her the tablet and how we did it and then showed her a printed journal, I also chose one to show her where a parent had replied to an ob so that she could see the 'two way flow' of info.


We print them half termly. When Ofsted came and visited they liked that a child went and fetched their learning journal and showed them what they had been doing. (I suggest to my children that when we have visitors during CI time that they are always welcome to ask if our visitor would like to see what they have been doing - from the head to advisors to ofsted they all love a child who can easily access and review their learning!)




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Hi, new to Tapestry and to this thread. We are trialling it at the moment and enjoying the speed and connection with parents. But we are a forest school and have no internet in the pavilion where we start and end sessions. I'm uploading at home at the moment. I'm wondering if there is anyone else in this situation? If so is having printouts the only way to show Ofsted evidence of learning journals? How do you deal with the inability to log in during session? I realise that by doing the work at home I'm still in the old Safeguarding Issues box too, with children's images on my tablet. I would love to get away from the print and stick but am a bit flummoxed by this issue. Would be grateful for any thoughts or solutions!



Welcome Catherine. I have been watching while everyone sings the praises of using Tapestry. I am in the same situation as you. We have no phone line and very poor mobile coverage so dongles no good. We are still cutting and pasting but in the old fashioned way!!! I will be interested in the replies.


Thanks for responses so far. The downloading pdf idea hadn't occurred to me. Someone has also said that if one has 4G one can get the internet almost anywhere, but we tried with the deputy's phone when the children had gone today and that didn't connect.


Hi Catherine one posible solution is to download pdf once every half term. Save the file but don't print it. When ofsted comes u will be able to show journal without Internet access.

Liking this idea. Was worried that we wouldn't be able to provide evidence to OFSTED.


We use a MiFi- which is a little like a dongle but more mobile. You plug into a socket to charge and up to 5 (i think) appliances can access it. Although its not as fast as the 4G on my phone it works pretty well for us. £16 per month for 20 GB from Three.

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