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Hi, would you be able to point me in the right direction of any articles in relation to the changes and any templates on the new special educational needs health care plan which is going to replace the IEP - finding it so hard to fine anything on line and am getting myself more confused - thank you


Hi, I have started to make notes on this ready to redo policy, as far as I am aware the EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) is replacing the Specail Education Needs Statement not the IEP or playplans. School action and School Action Plus is no-more. Still going through the Draft Copy but more emphasis on working with parents/carers/outside agencies. It is now from 0-25 years. New legislation etc.

Any other help much appreciated, A very big document to go through.

If you put a search in google for SEN 2014 a draft copy is available but unsure if the final copy is available yet.

This all needs to be in place by sept 2014.




Thanks Lynne - am looking for a template for an educational health care plan - and agree a huge document to look through - a lot to do by September x


I put together a brief overview of the new code on the SEN and Inclusion thread, I've attached the same copy to this thread, I hope it helps.


The good news is that you're not expected to have everything in place for September and if your practice is good (ie working with parents, putting the child's needs at the centre - which is usually what we all do in the early years!) then the changes won't be huge.


There are some examples of Education and Health Care Plans in the link below and information on what should be included in each section is on pages 150 - 151 of the new code.



Also in the link above is the document "Implementing a new 0 - 25 special needs system:LAs and partners" which gives some guidance about the timescales for Local Authorities to move children/young people currently with Statements to Education and Health Care Plans. It's on page 11 and 12.




We have been told by our LA that they will still be using the basic IEP format for now just renaming it EHCP! The we will get any templates and updates from them at a later stage, we just need to be working towards this form September onwards x


Good timing, IPSEA published an Education, Health and Care Plan checklist yesterday, I've attached a copy.

That looks really useful - many thanks :1b

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