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We have recently had an outside revamp and the space is looking good. We now need to turn it into a learning environment rather than just a 'playground'.

We have a large shed for storing items that are not in use or things we want to put away overnight.

What I'm trying to figure out is how to have things out for continuous provision outdoors. What do you put your mark-making things in? Where do you display small world resources if you use them? What do you use as the equivalent of your indoor shelves? If you use trugs, boxes etc, where are they when the children aren't using them? Just on the ground or do you have outdoor shelving?

Another issue is that our outdoors is shared by all age groups, 0 - 5. How do you manage resources that aren't suitable for all ages, e.g. scissors or small items?

Sorry, lots of questions - I'm just wondering what everyone else does!

Posted (edited)

Our outdoor area is mostly used for growing. We've got a music wall, a threading/weaving wall, a water wall is in production, tyres & other construction and two houses with paint brushes, compost and water containers. We don't put stuff outside that could be used just as well inside, so although we have 2-nearly 5 yr olds we don't have to worry too much about things not being suitable. We're talking about a fire pit too :D


And that hasn't answered any of your questions has it? How about an old chest of drawers for the small stuff to be stored in but small baskets that can be attached to a fence or wall when the younger children aren't there? Or Ikea do a lovely 3 shelf trolley £50, really sturdy :)

Edited by Rea

We are like Rea, we don't take things outside like small world etc, we have things outside that are always either left out or stored in one of two sheds. So loads of different sized stones, fir cones, spades, forks, watering cans, chalks, ropes, stepping stones, lawnmowers, pushchairs etc. We have mark making with sticks, mud, water rather than crayons or anything!


we have 3 'Plastic' greenhouses they are the walk in type...really cheap and stand up to the heavy wind. Because they are walk in the children can get to the shelves (3 each side) we have one as a greenhouse one for small world/mark making and materials and the third one has water and sand toys and gardening equipment. Mark making equipment is kept in cleaning trays (you know the ones with handles on it)

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2 wooden sheds store our outdoor equipment. Unfortunately for safety children are unable to access these.

Mark making is kept in the cleaning type caddies, the ones with handles to transport anywhere.

We have 4 of the trollies that Rea mentions, I cannot express more how great these are for transporting equipment both indoors or out. So we have 1 for our discovery equipment, 1 for play-dough and one for mark-making and 1 for our bathroom area.

They are £50.00 each but so sturdy.

We have a large trolley for our community blocks too.

We have children from 2 to 5 so don't have to worry about the baby aspect. Just keep an extra eye on our lit tiles with things like pegs, Lego etc.


we had a gardeners tool bag full of mark making stuff... easy to carry and store..

got the idea from facebook.. have posted it again on the group wall..or link here . sorry no way of showing for those not on there.. it is the only place I have found it .


Thank you everyone, some great ideas.

Finleysmaid, I really like the idea of the greenhouses as we could close them off to the littlest ones when we needed to (or close one of them with the 'dangerous' bits!

Will look for the IKEA trolley too - any excuse for a trip to the big blue and yellow place! Even if it is miles away for us... :D

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