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planning for the new year

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Hello all,

We follow the interest of the children when it comes to planning, we now want to plan for the first week the children comes back, struggling with ideas due to nursery closing down for Xmas, my line of thinking is a theme on winter/weather/ looking after us, following that loosely, and also including their interests when they get back.. expecting OFSTED so need to be prepared might turn up on the first day back.....


Our local council are planning an accreditation on planning to book themes. I have been thinking about using this in the new year.


Does anyone have any books that have worked well?


we've finished today for the year and I did the planning for the first week back this morning. I took the things the children have been interested in this week and used those so we will be going shopping and making sandwiches, looking at dinosaur non fiction books and investigating fossils, having a visit from my dog and re enacting the gruffalo story(again!). As well as these plans from children interests we will also be writing thank you letters, recalling events over the christmas period, and talking about families and celebrations (plus letters and sounds, IEP's, cookery club, yoga and SEAL activities). Phew! think we're going to need another holiday after that


I love that you do yoga max is this something you do yourselves???

I would love to get my children doing this.


As far as planning goes we will have new starters and children returning so will have things that can be used for settling children e.g. home corner etc...and activities that can be easily extended (discovery area, craft etc..)


Johanna, have a look and see if there's a Tatty Bumpkin franchise near you. We have done it for the last four years and they love it! It's yoga for children.

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Sorry, Toro, hijacked your thread there! Because in all likelihood it will be cold, we will look at making ice in balloons with coloured water to put outside and see how long they take to melt.

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We are going to welcome the children back, share the things that they have uploaded to their Tapestry learning journeys over the holidays and go from there. We will probably also do some looking at ice and other cold winter weather activities if it fits and if nothing else more exciting jumps out at us!




my group have their next steps from their end of term feedbacks so these will now be used to plan for the new year...this way there is a seamless planning stream

  • 2 weeks later...

We will be loosely basing the theme on 'winter' starting with talking about Christmas memories, writing thank you cards etc... We plan to explore ice, go on winter walks etc... as well as usual Planning for individual interests/needs. Last week of Jan is Chinese New Year I believe so will be looking at that too


We have used this list of books for the last 2 years in conjunction with the F2 class who also use them, the theory behind core books is that they are familiar to the children, and they love to revisit them and recall them etc. We use them as a starting point, some times only touching upon them and sometimes using them loads, depending on the children's interest in the book and what discussions they bring out.

Core books.doc

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