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What would you do if you suspect a parent has falsified an address to get a school place for their child as the grandparents live in the priority admission area not them, they are miles away. Any thoughts gratefully received.


Nothing, not my business and maybe the grandparents are going to be primary carers during the school week?


Same as Max, I would maybe mention to the parents they might be questioned about it though. I dont know if its different in schools to playgroups, but we have to tell parents to put their address if they're outside our LA just so their LA knows they have a place and they havent fallen off the radar/


I do understand your thinking, however other children who do live close by are being denied a place, doesn't seem right to me. I suppose it's my honest conscience kicking in and they haven't got one.:(

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:blink: Yep, been there, done that.........I didn't do anything apart from inwardly seethe :ph34r: or should that be seethe inwardly :blink: very, very difficult situation - I actually felt pretty sure that the receiving school knew perfectly well what was going on.......


I have known of parents having places withdrawn for this reason. In the cases I know of other parents (of the child's peers) were the ones to raise the issue with the school or LA in question.


Unless as others have said the Grand parents will be primary carers - with the child spending much of the time there then I think it is deeply unfair to the families living nearby and I am sure this parent would not want the same being done to them.


Have you spoken to the parent at all about it? Can you have a word with the head of the school? I am sorry but I think I would find a way of notifying the LA as I really hate this kind of behaviour it makes me so cross and it is extremely unjust :angry: Sorry rant over!


We are sometimes aware that this happens BUT are not privy to all the facts and are not judge and jury - our LA ask parents to provide proof of address which includes having parents names on council tax bills for the property they say is there address to try to weed out those that fib about living in more desirable catchments


Just to add that in my LA the grandparents being the primary carers doesn't count unless they have a residency order or similar, so parents who rely on grandparents for before and after school care cannot apply for a particular school on these grounds.


I have one family who.............and this is true!................have their own home in one catchment area..........and have rented two homes in other areas so they could put their children down for the three schools of preference. One house is in an extremely expensive area, and the children's nanny ( nanny, not grandparent) takes them to the house once a week for their tea and a bath, so they talk about it as their 'holiday home'. The other house, they sublet to a family member, rent free.This square's parent's conscience, as they 'do use the houses'...........so, they got their first choice in that very expensive area. Immoral?? yes, Unfair?? yes doing other children who actually live in that area out of a place?? yes

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