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Have been contacted by this trainer today offering LeveL 2and3 courses via E training, frankly I'm not keen, however it will be free and person undertaking the training is mature and well educated. Has anyone used these trainer? Anyone done Online training successfully?

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Hi Kate - Haven't used Parenta but do do some CPD using online sources e.g. BSL, Food Hygiene and via the PSLA some free online training such as safer recruitment. Staff are mature staff with a bit of savvy (not that I'm saying young staff don't have savvy) and are able to get on with it. Apart from the BSL the courses undertaken have all been renewals or top ups to existing knowledge. Don't think I would want them doing anything too in depth as a first time course on line as for a lot of things its the interaction with others that helps expand the learning and knowledge but for stuff like food hygiene, manual handling, safer recruitment it was ok.

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I have used Parenta and frankly wouldn't recommend them. I had four of my team going through level 3 training. They complained about lack of support from the assessors...not responding to their queries by email.....assessors saying they had contacted their students but no record of it.....and the ultimate rushing the team through so the assessor could get a bonus. For the maths on line test the assessor coughed behind a students back if she was going to give the wrong answer. was not at all happy and told them so.

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This is really interesting - they're recruiting for people to do their assessor training with a view to working for them. My friend and I are interested in possibly following this line in terms of our own CPD but from what you've said it doesn't sound a very good move, career-wise. I'll pass this on! :(

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