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We are a private Pre-School based in a local Primary School, we rent a classroom, garden and car park from the school.

They have received the call today that Ofsted will be in on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. We are not due until at least January/February next year and received a 'Good' jundgement in last Ofsted.

So is it likely that we will also be inspected? When Ofsted contacted the school they weren't even aware there was an Early Years Setting at the school!! They did ask questions, such as our Ofsted registration number, how many children on the role.

Sor of hoping they will as obviously new children and revised EYFS in September!!




We were told by our Ofsted inspector that we would be inspected with the school but they never came anywhere near us. Mind you we couldn't relax for two days and it might have been easier if they had just come in!


we rent a room from an ijnfant school who have been inspected this week and although we were due an inspection this july we were not inspected - not sure whether they are training for the new eyfs but although we were prepared they never came


we were asked by ofsted through the school for a copy of our employers liability insurance and ofsted registration form though - which they copied - but that was all x



We are a committee run nursery and out of school provision. We rent two rooms, a conservatory and an outdoor area from a primary school. The school had an Ofsted inspection recently but they did not inspect the nursery. When Ofsted visited the school in 2009, they sent a separate inspector for our setting. As we provide wrap around care for nursery and school children, the inspector was with us from 9.30am-6pm on the first day of the school inspection! Personally, I think it is worse when you are given notice of an inspection. As we did not know if we were going to be inspected this time, it was quite stressful knowing that Ofsted were going to visit in a few days. At least when they just turn up, you have to just get on with it!


The school I am attached to had their inspection last week - we weren't due anyway as we had an inspection with the school and got good, but then had a further inspection in January 2010, also good, so not really due - the pre-school also on site was due but they didn't inspect any of us, just the school. Seems like they have separated us out again without telling us this is happening, based on the last few posts ! :1b


Also as others have stated I think the Early Years Inspectors are all in training for September and the changes so no time to do inspections this half term maybe ? ;)


Well not us just the school! I did meet and speak to the inspectors and they were quite adamant that they only inspect schools not early years settings!




Well not us just the school! I did meet and speak to the inspectors and they were quite adamant that they only inspect schools not early years settings!




Is that a 'phew'!.......or would you have welcomed an inspection now and 'over and done with'? :1b


I'm glad they are moving away from inspecting private pre-schools on site, as previously they have always done this to one of our local pre-schools and I did feel it was rather unfair they got notice and we didn't!

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