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Happy Birthday

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thank you for the birthday wishes. Not my best day at preschool, been spat at by a 3 year old, kicked by a 4 year old and been moaned at by a parent I'm trying to help!!!!! but would I change my life? Hell no, after 20 years I still go to work with a spring in my step and a smile on my face and tomorrow is always another day.


Thank you everyone for your good wishes. Can't believe it's another one with a 0 on the end.

David surprised me with a party on Saturday - the first time he has been able to keep anything from me in 39 years of marriage - mind you he had help from no 1 son with the technical details. We had a brilliant meal at the local carvery for 26 people - me, I blubbed like a baby, how silly was that.


Happy birthday max321, hope the evening is better for you.



Great to hear from you both! You do realise that 2 visits on your birthday must class you as serious addicts even if you havent posted lots! :o


Max321, your post made me chuckle. A day in the life of an EY practitioner. That would be a fab book!

Glad your birthday surprise went well Core, I think blubbings allowed on those occasions : )

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