trekker Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 Not only do my committee still want to employ a manager instead of investing in training and supporting the staff they already have...they are now saying that my EYP supplement (part of the single funding formula) definitely will not be going to me...they intend to employ another staff member with it and give all staff a wage rise in line with the 15 months of work I did benefits everyone else for no extra effort... They suggest that I am expecting too much to expect any additional money for being an EYP as it has not added anything to the setting, bearing in mind I am still going through a horrendously elongated greivance procedure (their delays!) and so in constant 'limbo' and under massive ammounts of stress - I never said I was the perfect leader but they have made me feel worthless ... even more so now. It seems if I ask for extra time / money its not viable but employing yet another member of staff in addition to a manager when we already have low numbers is going to put everyones job at risk ultimately...we dont have enough children to justify the 5 staff we have keeping their basic hours so all staff had to drop at least a session since I dont know what they are thinking to want to employ two more! So far only I know about these plans....I dont know what to do I have debated whether to just tell all staff the full details of what the committee intends before the committee do ...I would like to hope they are as outraged as myself at the proposal to employ more staff at least...but I realise the 'self preservation' need may mean they just accept it.. I have in mind that bullies tend to cut off their 'victim' from all other sources of support - and I do honestly feel bullied now - like theres a conspiracy against me...though why I just dont know. I have been forced to question whether I can trust other staff...whether they are feeding the buillies 'twisted' info for their ammunition....even the EY advisors seem to be in cohoots - offering committee support but saying they cant support me as its personal. So I've also considered sharing some of the accusations and lies they have levelled at me.... I have so far kept these to myself, out of embarressment and fear that it will make me even less respected for other staff to know how low an opinion the committee has of me right now...but I know it is not true - that they have exaggerated and wrongly assumed things which other staff could verify - but the question is would they? If I was to just get it all out there and have all staff saying what I have said all along - that may change things and dilute the committees power - I may see that I'm not alone ...but then I cant help fearing if I do that other staff may just say "yeah - more money cool" and be unsympathetic - then I know once and for all that what I fear is real.... Really do feel terribly confused, alone and uneasy...Its so surreal I keep wanting to believe they will suddenly come to their senses and realise what theyve done..and it'll all be fine again... from being on the forum I know that what is happening / happened in my setting, which the committee appears to put down to my lack of confidence as leader etc, are not isolated issues - the same things have been disussed here and I just wish I could show the posts to my committee and say "told you so!" What would you do? I suspect many of you would just pack it in at this point...but I do have the AGM coming up so feel I at least need to see what happens then....feel I dont want to let them win... Quote
HappyMaz Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 Are you actively looking for a new job? When you say 'grievance' do you mean that you have complained about them, as opposed to a disciplinary against you? I ask because sometimes prospective employers ask if there are any outstanding disciplinary matters in relation to the applicant. I think if it were me I would be looking to escape with as much dignity as I could muster under these circumstances. I wouldn't be looking at it in terms of winning or losing, I'd be seeking to find ways I could protect my physical and mental health and finding a setting that is worthy of my talents and commitment. Good luck, I really hope you can emerge from this whole sorry episode with some self-respect and a sense of self-worth, no matter how hard they try to grind you down. Take care. Quote
louby loo Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 Not really sure what to say, but didn't want to read and run. seems you're not the only one with problems at the moment. Xxxxx Quote
trekker Posted October 21, 2011 Author Posted October 21, 2011 Are you actively looking for a new job? When you say 'grievance' do you mean that you have complained about them, as opposed to a disciplinary against you? I ask because sometimes prospective employers ask if there are any outstanding disciplinary matters in relation to the applicant. I think if it were me I would be looking to escape with as much dignity as I could muster under these circumstances. I wouldn't be looking at it in terms of winning or losing, I'd be seeking to find ways I could protect my physical and mental health and finding a setting that is worthy of my talents and commitment. Good luck, I really hope you can emerge from this whole sorry episode with some self-respect and a sense of self-worth, no matter how hard they try to grind you down. Take care. I know - but I've been there so long its a really big leap to take. I love the children, location and all - its the committee power games that are causing me all the issues and I dont want to let go of the hope it'll change with the new one... I've 'looked' but not committed to applying as yet... The grievance was lodged against their original idea to employ manager over and above delayed them...and chair unofficially proposed entering a joint role a few months ago ...but still no job descriptions forthcoming so I cant agree to anything...and now the EYP money is another insult to add to the rest... Quote
HappyMaz Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 I wouldn't underestimate the strength it will take to walk away from the group and the children you have worked so hard to support. I'm all too aware how easy it is for outsiders to give advice that looks obvious on paper, but doesn't take your emotions into account. If you're going to leave, I think the important thing is not to stay beyond the point where you feel all hope of a resolution is lost and your own sense of self worth is so depleted that you get ill and depressed. However, if your committee is about to change, then maybe you have nothing to lose by staying on and seeing what happens next. I guess you have to ask yourself how long you can continue to support your families under this kind of atmosphere and feelikng so low. I find it shocking that employees of committee run groups have so little support when things go wrong. Have a lovely weekend, and I hope you're off next week for half term and that the time spent away will help you reach some decisions and conclusions about what you want to do next. Quote
liberty Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 What an awful position you seem to be in. I'm afraid I don't have any great suggestions to offer, but again didn't want to just 'read and go'. I'm not an EYP myself yet, but I'm sure whenever I've read information about the financial support for the role, it has stated that a proportion goes to the EYP themselves, so I can't see how they can decide not to give you a proportion to increase your salary - can you talk to whoever you went through the pathway with for their comments, with hopefully something in writing ? It sounds like there are lots of different aspects to this, and I think I would try to tackle one aspect at a time, i.e. the EYP finance first. I hope one way or another you come out of this with your head held high and your self esteem restored. Good luck Quote
Rea Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 (edited) Good grief. I'm lost for words at the way some committee members behave, they are trustees for the next lot of children, keeping the setting running and financially viable, they dont own it. They make me so darn cross. All of our staff are invited to committee meetings so all know what goes on, so is there any reason you cant tell your staff about the impending new staff and the EYP money? Is it secret for some reason? I think I'd tell, the money wont be there for ever and they should know the committee are messing with their future. It sounds as if you dont discuss any of this stuff with the rest of the staff and think if you did it could share the load. I dont mean sitting them all down and saying 'well, she said...', but just having a quiet chat with one or two people, your deputy or other senior who might be able to back you, tell them how its making you feel, word will soon get round if you choose the right people. In the meantime, I'd be looking for a new job, just in case the committee dont change enough at the AGM and sort out the EYP money. And do you know what? You can tell them from me, as chair, that I am appalled at their behaviour and to stop giving committees a bad name Edited October 22, 2011 by Rea Quote
Rea Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 Just another thought. Are you a registered charity? They take a very dim view of mismanagement of funds but they are lovely helpful people to speak to. Take a look at the this page for some ideas managing charity assests Quote
Inge Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 I also would chat to staff.... would have done so after each committee meeting as I always felt part of my role was to pass on the information they needed to know, it often involved their futures and the future of the group... at least that way I would get a feel of the staff and their feelings... it will effect their position in the setting with 2 new staff as well... they cannot magic enough hours for all, and when the money runs out? I also thought there was a condition to give a set percentage of any eyp money to be given to the eyp.. actually if you did decide to leave would they have to return it? anyone checking to see how it is spent? things like this do often make me think everyone needs to consider joining a union Quote
Guest Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 What a horrendous situation for you, I think you have some sound advice already and I feel so sorry for your situation, it has completely taken over your life and that is never a good place to be, to have studied further and put your heart into a position is all consuming as it is...I think, for what its worth, you need to start being proactive in looking for another position, there are other children and other groups that would welcome your experience and your qualification with open arms - I think you need to dust yourself down, be very brave, hold your head up and your shoulders back and find somewhere you will be valued. p.s a HUGE hug to you.. Quote
trekker Posted October 22, 2011 Author Posted October 22, 2011 I also would chat to staff.... would have done so after each committee meeting as I always felt part of my role was to pass on the information they needed to know, it often involved their futures and the future of the group... at least that way I would get a feel of the staff and their feelings... it will effect their position in the setting with 2 new staff as well... they cannot magic enough hours for all, and when the money runs out? I also thought there was a condition to give a set percentage of any eyp money to be given to the eyp.. actually if you did decide to leave would they have to return it? anyone checking to see how it is spent? things like this do often make me think everyone needs to consider joining a union I do normally feedback facts from committee meetings that affect the staff but this has not come, so far as I know from a 'meeting' as such...I got this news in a txt after I asked whether they had made the decision about what they were going to do with the money...chair said she had 'discussed it with committtee' ... I am not able to attend meetings that discuss staff issues anyway. chair and treasurer work together...they then discuss with the administrator (not on committee) and committee advisor..the rest of committee Im guessing got asked their opinion in school playground, if at all, children now attend reception class...other member is related to me so excludes self from all this at basically most of it is coming from the chair and treasurer...backed up by the other members who because they say the advisor said we should do / are justified in doing this or that just rubber stamp stuff...believing its the only option and probably unaware of the fact that I am objecting so strongly. I have mentioned some bits to deputy (deputy told me yesterday she is 'looking'...) ...its been going on for nearly a year ...but has got really bad since the grievance I guess - I guess I already felt I wasnt good enough and now the committee have made me feel that even more so I even begin to believe them at times...chair has barely set foot ion preschool for a year apart from committee commitments. I didnt want to bog down other staff with the grievance stuff (they know I wasnt happy and that something must have changed as the manager hasnt materialised yet and probably as its been so long assume we wont be having one) have no idea of the committees attitude / behaviour towards me and what they have said. Ive always felt I need to keep other staff 'happy' and act as if Im in agreement with committee decisions when Im feeding back...else its a them and us scenario...and will it just threaten relationhsips all through the preschool and the new committee if I in effect blow the whistle with staff? (...not sure whistleblowing applies in this scenario). No in my neck of the woods sadly the EYP money can be used as the setting management chooses - Ive been seeking advice on this for weeks and turns out they can just do what they I'm stuck . So far as I know they dont have to account for how its spent either So the system has to come in for some blame. Quote
trekker Posted October 22, 2011 Author Posted October 22, 2011 P.s thanks for all the kind words - and advice...all appreciated. I will be doing lots of thinking this week and blow the unpaid paperwork... Quote
hali Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 The committee can only pay your Achievement award to you as part of your salery and your LA should be keeping tabs on what your GLP and AA are being used towards in the setting. Personally if it were me i would walk with dignity then they will loose all your EYP monies!!!! As i said yesturday in another post i still cant believe the damage some committeee run settings are still doing. Good luck xxx Quote
suebear Posted October 25, 2011 Posted October 25, 2011 Hi Trekker, it's going from bad to worse isn't it? I think you need to look carefully over half term at your life priorities. If you can be the better person and rise above it great, middle management is a hard place to be and when things aren't handled openly in meetings communication lets everyone down. Can you get someone from outside to support you? There are unions for nursery nurses out there who should support you if no-one else will. We ended up with a staff/committee split and it didn't work for us. Staff will want to remain loyal to you but have to protect their own jobs too. Just protect yourself, it's unlikely to be a witch hunt against you, just people think differently and have different priorities. I went for self preservation and decided to walk away but that doesn't mean my decision is right for you. Thinking of you xx Quote
trekker Posted October 26, 2011 Author Posted October 26, 2011 We have our AGM coming up after half-term...of course no guarantees we'll get anyone...although chair wants to go they may end up staying if no one comes forward I guess...everything rests on getting new people to come on board...and when they do and get an idea of whats been happening I dont know how long they'll stay!...we'll see. The committee can only pay your Achievement award to you as part of your salery and your LA should be keeping tabs on what your GLP and AA are being used towards in the setting.Personally if it were me i would walk with dignity then they will loose all your EYP monies!!!! Not where I am - Ive asked everyone at every level - they say its all up to the committee unfortunately - this is the single funding formula supplement for having an EYP in the go towards the higher wage costs involved .... Ive asked advisors if any other EYP's they know of has had any issues like this but no-one has apparently - so seems is just me. If I was to leave the EYP money stays with the setting as its already included in the settings funding allocation. So a weird and frustrating set up - not very motivating to its graduate leaders at all. Its a relief it is half term - as it was I think I'd have ended up little more than a wreck with the ammount of stress and sheer frustration I was trying to control...I've been able to chill at least. Hopefully that will bolster me some more for when I return and wait to see what the AGM brings. Quote
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