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Children's Books That Made You Cry

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I've just read this: http://eyfs.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=30318&hl= topic and it made me think about children's books that make me cry.

My favourite is The Lion Who Wanted to Love. I first heard it when a headteacher read it out in assembly. I was working at the school as supply and it was only my second or third day there and the day before Ofsted had been. The head read out the thank you letter to the children and told us all a few comments that the inspector had made about what a lovely atmosphere there was at the school, then he read the story. By the end of the story he was in floods of tears, as were most of the staff and children, including myself. It was an emotional time because of all the lovely things Mrs O had said but this story pushed us all over the edge!

I bought the book a little while later when I had my own class and read it to them. Again we were all crying by the end! To this day I can't get to the end without choking up and I must have read it a hundred times!

So... which children's books make you cry?


I can only think of the last Mog book where he dies


I was in waterstones and spotted it I didnt know there was a last book so I stood there reading it wiping the tears from my eyes thinking "pull yourself together Alison its not real"


but I think the Mog book is a rather obvious one that would start the tears


well as my children will tell you i cry at the drop of a hat :o my deputy would say..."my dad's brilliant"(she read this after losing her own father and cannot read it since! i think mine would be "guess how much i love you" ...just reminds me of my 2 daughters and the bedtime game of i love you round the moon three times up to the end of the garden and back again!!! ..badgers parting gift....cant do that one!....harry potter....feel i know them all!....etc etc etc

i remember when i was about 11 i had a fab and very emotional teacher she was reading us a story...i wish i could remember which one...and at the end she was in floods of tears and so were we...your story so reminds me of her xD


There's a dog story about a dog called Buster, his family literally throw him out and he eventually finds a home with an old gentleman and it all ends happily, but in the second book about Buster the old gentleman has to go into hospital which throws up all the uncertainties for the little dog again from when he had been thrown out.


Both books are set around Christmas time and when we tell the stories probably because we are quite emotional when telling them the children listen so well you could hear a pin drop.


I've never cried at a childrens book. :o

I have cried at Black Beauty, Goodnight Mr Tom, The Lovely Bones and a book years ago about a horse and his owner in the second world war.


For me, it's 'Once there were Giants' by Martin Waddell - I've only got to think about the title, as now, and I have tears in my eyes!


for me it has to be 'Bridge to Terabithia' I have cried so many times reading this and I still cry if I watch the film. This is one of the few books my DS has ever read and he too cried!


There are a series of books called "Frog and ...." which we had a few of for my children when they were little. We stumbled on another one called "Frog and the Birdsong" and bought it without really looking at it. So one evening I'm sat happily reading to my children and they bring this book out. One of those moments where you wish you had read it in advance - very sad. But also very helpful in explaining death without a religious element. Years later I came across it in a clear out but I haven't the heart to throw it out so I've passed it onto my sister and we've decided it is one of those that you might not read too often but that you need to have to hand for helping with those tricky questions from small children.


Dogger, Harry's home, you and me little bear and all of the above...however I have been known to have a tear at the mastercard...priceless adverts so there possibly isn't any hope for me!



Dogger, Harry's home, you and me little bear and all of the above...however I have been known to have a tear at the mastercard...priceless adverts so there possibly isn't any hope for me!




Oh dear sharon... unfortunately I know exactly what you mean!



oh! YES!!! When Dogger is found sitting on the stall with a 5p label and dave hasn't got 5p -arghhhh! and that awful girl who bought him :oxD:(


When I read it the children never fail to comment on the kindess of Bella! :(

oh! YES!!! When Dogger is found sitting on the stall with a 5p label and dave hasn't got 5p -arghhhh! and that awful girl who bought him :oxD:(


When I read it the children never fail to comment on the kindess of Bella! :(



Oh Yes Gezabel Dogger - I think Shirley Hughes pitches her stories just so to get us adults!


There are just so many aren't there? I love the Lion Who Wanted to Love and the other that really chokes me is Badgers Parting Gifts. When I was a child Black Beauty was the book that made me cry the most, and I could never bare to read it again.

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