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Children's Pencil Sharpeners

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Can anyone recommend a pencil sharpener, suitable for thick and thin pencils, that pre-school children can easily use ? At the setting I'm currently working at they only have an adult one, and as soon as I start to sharpen the pencils the children want a turn and try so hard to use the thing (I even find this particular one hard work!) I would like to get one that they can operate. My son says he recalls seeing one that is transparent and that also collects the 'bits' ?


Have been watching this post with interest. I would have thought there would have been lots of fantastic advice given such a big role pencil sharpening takes in our lives. Maybe a business opportunity here.




Thanks Cait, brilliant choice at Consortium... only trouble is I am agency at the moment and so don't have opportunity to order via catalogues - I suppose a wander in WH Smith might be in order.


I suppose I could borrow a 3 year old with some pencils and try the different sharpeners out :o


My 2 love sharpening pencils - they would quite happily whittle all the pencils down to stubs - like Lotta in the Charlie and Lola episode.

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