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Did any of you watch Dr Who last evening? That sound brought back memories of hiding behind the sofa. The Daleks used to frighten the life out of me-especially their voices!!



yes Linda, but I couldnt hide behnd the setee as my (big) brothers wouldnt let me!!


Im off for another trip down memory lane later to see the Hitch hikers guide...mind you Marvin does seem a little twee?


That dalek was in a different league to the old school though, wasn't it? When it said "Elevate" and started rising up I nearly got behind the settee again! :o


Good luck with H2G2 Mundia - we're probably off to see it tomorrow. :)


i prefered the old darlicks, my 13yr old who watched it for the 1st time thought the special effects were terrible..he wasnt impressed, and sinse when did they start to hover!!!!! :o


Oh and I thought it was just me who hid behind the sofa! But Im afraid I cant bear to watch and the meer sound or thought of a dalek terrifies me. My family laugh at me but I cant help it!!


Not into Hitch Hickers either, they went last night and enjoyed!!


I also was terrified of the Daleks never hid but remember many heart thumping moments. Some of our nursery children have been watching the programme and haven't been even a little bit frightened - they say - this worries me - is this normal, or have they become so desensitized they don't feel fear any more?


The old daleks could always hover, Hali - but the special effects budget wasn't up to showing it in the old days.


And the best way to stifle any complaints about the special effects today (which I thought were pretty good really!) is to watch one of the old episodes again...


I know what you mean though, Mimi - people are used to a higher level of violence in children's programmes these days, which is quite frightening if you think that could continue into the future.


My grandson, aged 3 was scared, mum said she would turn it off but he insisted and was happy to watch it with mum. How brave he is.




Scardy cats! My boys and I mock poor old hubby for his fear of the Daleks, he used to hide in the kitchen and have a tantrum until his mom and dad switched it off. Didnt see it last night I think hubby planned it that way xD:o


I used to spend time behind the sofa when watching Dr. Who as well, in fact it wasn't deemed a good episode if i didn't. I am really enjoying the new Dr. Who now it has got going , but then perhaps I don't have such high standards of special effects as the younger generation!


Oh dear .....I'm not impressed with the new Dr. Who but the rest of the mousebat clan seem to enjoy it.

I don't think my father-in-law was too impressed either...and he's met the daleks in real life (he worked on Dr Who from the very first episode until at least one re-incarnation). He huffed, puffed and grumbled throught the whole of last nights episode!


(I loved Dr Who thru the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker incarnations despite the nightmares!)


I'm missing something here, i wouldn't of dared hide behind the sofa, because anything dark and sinister could already be there!!

much safer to sit between dad and big brother.

oh and keep your feet of the floor, you never know what could reach out and grab your ankle.

My kids love Docter who,we have got some great tardis impressions ,now it's darleks!



I remember an interview with a horror story writer who described the feelings of readers like this:


" I know there's no monster under my bed. I also know that if I keep my feet on the bed it can't grab them..."


Never been afraid of Dr Who but I do remember lying in bed after watching Jaws at the cinema and knowing that it was imperative to keep my legs still, even though reason told me that there wasn't a shark in my bed. :oxD


" I know there's no monster under my bed. I also know that if I keep my feet on the bed it can't grab them..."


must add " and if I keep very still and hide under the covers it won't know I'm here...."


Liked that Steve. The only Dr I don't really remember was the first one. My brother and I used to watch them, he hid by the door and looked through the gap and I sat on the sofa with a cushion on my bent up knees, (just incase anything got my feet) fingers in ears, peeping around the corner. Used to love it and wouldn't dream of missing it.


Now a days I am more grown up about it................................. I get up leave the room and peep round the door just to see what is happening. If it gets too scary I retreat into the kitchen. Come back later and get hubby and sons to tell me what I missed. xD:(


Much prefer the old darleks. Bring back the Cybermen, now they really used to scare me :o


Like the New Dr now he has got going, pity he is leaving at the end of this series :( New one, not too sure on him (Cassanova) but then I always say that when a New Dr is chosen.


Oh Grizzy you are just like me i find it oh so scary!!! i remember the first Dr. who , the REAL one and I loved it from the start. Tom Baker is my all time favourite beacuse the stories had depth.

I am sorry the new one is only for this series- why on earth didn't they draw up a better contract as change too soon does spoil it.




Just found out that a little boy I know will be acting in Doctor Who soon. Please look out for him. He is in the two-part episode called "The Doctor Dances" on 28th May. He is the boy in the Muddles advert who says "fish, I 'ate fish". He has two older brothers who have done lots of modelling and some TV work as well. He seems to enjoy it the most and is good at it!

Incidentally, his mother played Fay Lucas on Grange Hill. Remember "just say no" and Zammo et al. :D


Haven't seen the family for a few years, as I moved away from the area. Alison (mum) is my sister's friend. I remember Albert being a lovely little three year old who came on a walk with me and my sister and family and held my hand as we hunted for dragons (near the Thames in Essex)!

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