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Just wondered how you go about advertising your AGM?

Do you put up a poster where interested parents can put their names down if they are interested in a particular position eg chair? or do you just advertise the meeting?


Am i being too hopeful??!


Our constitution states

(a) At the Annual General Meeting hereinafter mentioned, the Group shall elect a Chair (person), a Secretary and a Treasurer (hereinafter called

‘the Honorary Officers’) being persons who are members of the Group.

(:o The Honorary Officers shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting after their election but shall be eligible for re-election provided that no Honorary Officer shall hold office for more

than three consecutive years. On the expiration of such period, two further years must elapse before any further Honorary Officer shall be eligible for re-election.


No clues how to actually vote in the chair etc. Last year when I joined it was just a case of someone volunteered to do it and that was it! No minutes recorded etc. I think we have come along way since then as we now do agenda minutes etc.


Any advice?



At our last AGM we put up posters and sent out invites. The invite included space for each person to indicate if they would like to join the committee and were then posted back to us. They were proposed and seconded as agroup rather than each individual (they did it at the PLA AGM) We had a meeting the week afterwards to decide positions after everyone had had chance to read the roles and chat to me and staff about what was involved.

We have to advertise 4 weeks prior to the meeting. The PLA constitution changed to allow officers to stay on longer than 3 years and to hold different posts I think but I'd need to read it again to be sure.


Ours too was more than 3 years allowed on committee.. not that it helped much.. no one ever wanted to stay that long...


we did.. notices on doors, boards and everywhere we could think they would be seen...


letter to all parents with a return note asking for those willing to be on committee... along with if they would be willing to do officers role.. this then gave us an idea of who to approach.


meeting aske for committee members, again, and then someone proposed and seconded them... all this was recorded in the minutes..


First committee meeting we always held immediately after this agm, but we did it daytime, so Ofsted forms could be completed, and committee roles sorted if not done at the meeting..


This is what ours states about the AGM-



An AGM shall be held during the Summer Term in each year. The quorum for an AGM shall be 6 or 20% of members, whichever is the greater. The business of the meeting shall be:


(a) to receive and approve the Minutes of the previous AGM,

(:o to receive the Treasurer’s report and approve the accounts,

© to elect members of the Committee,

(d) to consider any resolution proposed by the committee, and

(e) to conduct any other business


It also says the Chair will be elected at the AGM but doesn't mention any other officers being elected then. We put up posters, send out letters with individual reply slips. We also invite (written invites) new parents that are due to start the following Sept (ours is held in June/July and majority of new children start Sept-Nov)

By far the best tactic for obtaining new committee members is to get the retiring committee to 'target ' parents that are staying or new parents about 4/6 weeks before the AGM I have always found this works far better then just waiting for them to come forward.


we send out letters with nomination forms attached(in theory one for every parent ) these have to be in 24hours before the agm. and yes they are able to nominate themselves! the meeting is then advertised on the board. In the meeting you should have somone to propose the person and someone to second in order to be democratic ...the staff should not vote but the same two people are able to propose and second everyone (though if you have more people in the meeting best to spread it around :o ) feels a bit wierd doing it so formally when there are a small handful of you but does give it some gravitas xD

By far the best tactic for obtaining new committee members is to get the retiring committee to 'target ' parents that are staying or new parents about 4/6 weeks before the AGM I have always found this works far better then just waiting for them to come forward.


That's exactly what we do as well.

Last year went well as we had 12 mums choose not to go to school nursery so the committee was raring to go at the AGM handover. This coming year however everyone except 2 are going and neither of them will go on the committee as they both work full time. :o


Yes thats what we do. We also send out a letter explaining the importance of the AGM 4 weeks before , no committee no pre-school, date ,

time, place, that we need a quorum of parents to enable this meeting to go ahead.

Same old same old really, but have to say this years meeting had 15 members join up yipee, all keen and fantastic, lets hope it lasts.

Wishing you well. :o

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