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Lesson Obs Based On Pirate Theme


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I'm being observed next week and really need something with the 'WOW' factor. We are basing our theme around pirates as the children have shown an interest in it.


I was thinking about showing the children a large pirate treasure chest filled with various items belonging to the pirate. I thought that I would show the children various word cards e.g. map and ask them to segment & blend to read the words then find the corresponding object in the treasure chest. I thought that my TA could work with a group of children in the sand tray finding different golden coins with real and nonsense words written on them. The children would have to, again, segment & blend to read the words and decide if they are real or nonsense.


The problem now is what should I do for my other adult led activity? Any ideas please???

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We did a pirate week in our playgroup recently. It was a big hit. They especially loved dressing up day, when we did face painting and made extra items.


We are lucky because we have a big wooden boat that we decorated and based the theme around. We made clay coins and painted gold and made a treasure chest.

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If you were able to do something outside, you could place 'treasure' objects around the outdoor area hidden in boxes. Give each child a name of the object that they have to go a search for. You could then differentiate the words for the children dependent on their different levels of phonic knowledge.

You could do 'messages in bottles'. Write some messages (again make them specific to the individual children and their phonic knowledge) and place in the water tray for the children to fish out their bottle and then read their message. It was a guided reading activity suggested at a recent training session. It is described better in the booklet I was given, but that's at work. I'll bring it home tomorrow and explain it better!

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Could you have a treasure box to fill? Give the children a treasure box template for them to write down the 'treasure' they want to put in the box (haven't done this but it might work if you want a writing activity) OR they could pretend they are shipwrecked and write a HELP message to put in a bottle OR draw and label a treasure map - my boys last year loved this - drawing the map rather than putting on the labels but it was earlier in the year.


I did something similar to cross the river and we made up a rhyme (but I can't remember what it was :o possibly something like Captain, captain may we cross your river, on our way to the island? Captain/teacher - 'not until you can read my secret word' (word cards written on coin shapes - whichever phase you're working on) - children then read the word (support where necessary) and cross the river (blue material) to get to the 'island' where I had flip chart paper and children wrote their word, compared with friends, wrote their words.


If you want other activities - give them boxes to decorate to make their own treasure chests. Making eye patches. Telescopes to spot ships to board.


I love pirate topics!

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What about if a class puppet went missing - the pirates could have captured him and they could leave a note behind with a ransom (eg 100 gold coins). Children could make missing posters to put around school with a description of the puppet. The children could make the ransom and leave for the pirates who would come and give the puppet back. The puppet could then have stolen a treasure map from the pirates whilst they were sleeping. Follow the map (pictures of things around your outdoor) and find the treasure!

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