SueJ Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I am on the second to last assignment of my Foundation Degree and must finish it by mid April - loads of time I hear you say, especially as being sessional setting I am on Easter Hols (ha ha - end of tax year year processing, registers, p60s etc. etc.). However, as the topic title says you know you're putting of writing that assignment when ............................. have cleaned bathroom and loos, cleaned up garden after dog (ugg), showered, washed hair and blow dried nicely, looked at emails, dipped into here and CLEANED DISPENSER DRAWER OF WASHING MACHINE!!!! Anyone else do these daft things? Really must get on now have an assignment to write
Beau Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I am the master of procrastination Sue, so know exactly where you're coming from! However, you need to 'eat that frog'! Good luck with the assignment.
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 So far I have managed to put off my 6,000 word science assignment for Foundation Degree by cleaning the patio, doing the washing and walking the dogs. I am now sat with 2 activity plans, 2 observations, trying to make clear links to theorists and current ideas. At present I am reading Max Deboo, Wynn Harlen and Davies and Howe, but I think I might go off and prepare something for lunch instead. After this assignment I have a research project, reflective journal and behaviour for learning assignment to do and then the second year is over...yayyyyyyy, until september when I start my third and final B(Ed) Teaching. Now where was I ....
sienna Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I am the master of procrastination Sue, so know exactly where you're coming from! However, you need to 'eat that frog'! Thanks for the link Beau. I'm also having issues with avoidance.
narnia Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 me too............................I have by the end of May, to write an essay on Sustained Shared thinking ( I KNOW cait!!), one on Leadership and management; another on reflective practice, relating to birth to five year olds,another one that my brain has hidden the title of in its dark recesses, oh yes, and a dissertation on how risky play develops self-esttem and learning. No sweat then!
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 SO glad to hear it's not just me!! Narnia - hope you've read "Too safe for their own good?" by Jennie Lindon? I've just finished it and it doesn't even relate to the FD assignments I'm "working" on (I use the term loosely because I'm easily distracted by almost anything - including housework ) I WILL go and complete them when I log off, honestly! Nona
Cait Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 me too............................I have by the end of May, to write an essay on Sustained Shared thinking ( I KNOW cait!!), one on Leadership and management; another on reflective practice, relating to birth to five year olds,another one that my brain has hidden the title of in its dark recesses, oh yes, and a dissertation on how risky play develops self-esttem and learning. No sweat then! :( Even the ironing pile calls you, and you know that when that looks an attractive proposition that things are serious!!!
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I too am putting off assignment writing. I have gone to extreme lengths........... TIDYing the pile of stuff I have collected since started the degree!!!!!! It was a massive job. TWO whole days used up by that tidying!!!!!!!!! Today I feel bad for wasting time... though this rom does look SO much larger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Hi everyone Great to hear from so many of you in the same boat. Have a 2000 word assignment to finish by the end of next week on participation. By the way am looking for feedback for my research and have posted for help on the forum so please take pity on me and post an answer if you can. Love the "eat the frog" article Carol - great stuff. However I am definately a slob compared to so many of you, housework is not my method of choice for procrasination - hate it it`s another frog! Sally
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Hey Narnia, I'm new to all this and a real techno-phobe so please bear with me. I hear you have to write an essay on leadership and management, I am going through that right now. I am doing my EYPS along with a PG diploma in early years> I will be done by July. What are you studying? Any helpful hints on the essay would be gratefully received. regards Bumbles
louby loo Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Assignment not done - but my, .the house smells so nice and clean, I've cut the grass, been to the charity shop with all the stuff form the cupboards............
hopeytg Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Two big assisgnments for teh 19th - keep getting the books out - looking - type a couple of words and then put the books away!! - I know when I am putting off my writing when I defrost the freezer and clean the oven!!! - Those are my two most hated jobs but they are better than essay writing!! Good luck everyone
SueJ Posted April 9, 2010 Author Posted April 9, 2010 Obviously I'm only popping in for a quick catch up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have been v. good and done some writing up and have spent ages doing power point effects but no text or references of course. However it is a lovely day and the dog need to go to the vet and the walk home in the sunshine was a joy. Cuppa with parents was a must and then there's a spot of frog catching to do !!!!!!!!!!!!. Love the frog link Beau. Just need to find another 3000 words for one part of the assignemnt and cobble together a handout and 20 min presentation equivalent to 2000 words - piece of cake
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Me too 4000 word essay on holistic development. I have had 4 weeks off school after an operation on my elbow and still only done 1200 words and when I read it back its waffle. O well 1 more week to go and a power point to complete as well on holistic development and how this links to my practice. Think I will nip to town first though
beth1 Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Ah yes that old trick! Funny though I am the sameish, keep finding other things to do but not housework! I have a 600-700 word assigment on shakephere's Romeo and Juliet. So far I have looked through the book to find the relevent quotes. BUT now I cannot be bothered to type it up. lol Must get on with it since I am nearly in exam mode, yep 4 exams in one crazy week! So that will require revision but guess what I will end up doing.....yep doing other things! Beth
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Well i'm trying to write a 2000 word report on performance management, been reading about motivation but i don't feel very motivated!!!! this is due in on the 19th, then i still have 4 3000 word assignments to do by the end of may when i will have finished my BA Hons..... can't wait..... struggling to work out how we manage our own performance at the moment, i'm not managing mine very well at the moment.... oops!!!!
SueJ Posted April 9, 2010 Author Posted April 9, 2010 Have eaten at least half a frog (see earlier post from Beau) and feel oh so virtuous - however have had quite enough for today and feel I deserve a stiff drink Who knows what lovely things I can find to do tomorrow before knuckling down again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
narnia Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 ah yes, the presentation as well, I'd forgotten about that!! No frogs eaten so far today, instead I sat down to read a paper at about 11 am and fell asleep, woke up at around five, so nowt done so far................don't know what's up, but I'm doing lots of the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ thing again lately!
louby loo Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 ah yes, the presentation as well, I'd forgotten about that!! No frogs eaten so far today, instead I sat down to read a paper at about 11 am and fell asleep, woke up at around five, so nowt done so far................don't know what's up, but I'm doing lots of the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ thing again lately! At least you have a valid excuse!! Every time I pick up a book or journal document to read I'm out like a light, mind I don't seem to have that problem with the trashy novels my daughter keeps leaving around!
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Well I'm working on an assignment about the impact of policies on settings, but so far this evening I've been on here, Facebook, hotmail etc. Stopped for a bag of crisps all while watching Coronation Street and Eastenders. And just thinking I might go for a soak..................................! p.s. I have done some work!!!!!
Guest Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I tohave one due in on 23rd April and a research project and further assignment on diversity by beg june! i to am on easter hols anddidsay that I would set aside one day to do assignement but am decorating, have cut the grass, cleaned windows, cleaned car, been out for lunch and still have not set aside aday!!! Its so nice to know im not alone though oh well only 9 months to go until degree finished!! hey ho!!!!!!!!!!
Guest Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Come on Ladies!!!! I've just completed the application form to start my FD in sept 10 .... however, after reading so many of the above posts i'm wondering if it should just slip into the recycling bin instead !! On a positive note (as I always try to be) it's good to know that I won't be alone in the essay writing dottyp
Beau Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Have eaten at least half a frog (see earlier post from Beau) and feel oh so virtuous - however have had quite enough for today and feel I deserve a stiff drink Who knows what lovely things I can find to do tomorrow before knuckling down again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done! It really does make you feel good to get it out of the way instead of having it hanging over you constantly. I just wish I would take the advice too!
Beauvink Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Well done! FD is incredibly hard work - but fantastic, I really enjoyed the experienced and met many a likeminded professional through this and the BA. I does sometimes get tough, but you can come through it with a really good qualification that you know you have worked hard for. And really within childcare qualifications and upskilling knowledge is on going. - so dont let anyone put you off. Best of luck and their is always lots of support on this site
Beauvink Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Hee hee - just looked back at post and spellings!! - sorry typing on my bed on elbow does not really work.
Guest Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 I'm getting there!! The Child, the Family, the Professional: Challenging Relationships completed and I'm working on the presentation for the medication used in ADHD that accompanies my case study. Fascinating reading on the side effects and black market uses of Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Policy and Inclusion completed, and just got the Open Book exam to sit in May :wacko: 500 more words to go on An Integrated Approach to Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People and LOTS more reading/revision to keep up to date before the Open Book exam for that on May 6th While I'm on a roll I'll tidy up the 2 previous assignments following feedback as my Tutor has suggested - if I do that I can "up" my Grade and give myself a little leeway if there's a module I fail (or even don't fancy doing ) It's a great feeling when the assignments are printed off, header sheets done and in their little plastic covers ready for handing in I may even have a tea break in the garden, and enjoy the sunshine, to celebrate Nona
narnia Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 and I have made a start too...........................consider one frog's leg eaten!! Reflective practice, about the placement I am attending, tasks one and two complete ...... and a lengthy discussion with another practitioner who works there, as I needed to clarify some concerns i far, so good!
Guest Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Forum Inhabitant! Group: Full Member Posts: 266 Joined: 9-February 06 From: west yorks Member No.: 5,411 Me too 4000 word essay on holistic development. I have had 4 weeks off school after an operation on my elbow and still only done 1200 words and when I read it back its waffle. O well 1 more week to go and a power point to complete as well on holistic development and how this links to my practice. Think I will nip to town first though Like the above I too have 4000 words to do on holistic development, fortunately I did the power point presentation just before we broke up, thank god thats out of the way, oh I forgot the 2000 for work based learning and 2000 for pedagogy and play, but like all the others at least my house is clean and the grass is cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 and I have made a start too...........................consider one frog's leg eaten!! Reflective practice, about the placement I am attending, tasks one and two complete ...... and a lengthy discussion with another practitioner who works there, as I needed to clarify some concerns i far, so good! Narnia, how IS your placement now? any progress in the Baby Room? Nona
narnia Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Narnia, how IS your placement now? any progress in the Baby Room? Nona stand by for LONG pm !!
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