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Quality Honking - Lessons From Geese!

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Hi -


I've always liked a well known speech and motivational message first made by someone called Milton Olson. It seemed very appropriate to the way the members of this community share their time, experience and resources so generously, so we've given it the FSF treatment. Dedicated to all of you who come here to give as well as take! Hope you enjoy it! :)


Lessons from Geese


That was lovely thank you Steve. Hope our Honking has been both encouraging and of good quality. Honk Honk Honk.


Thanks Steve,

That brought a tear to my eye and a great idea for a whole school assembly.

Thanks Lucyd


:D:D:D Honk! Honk! Honk!!


Great way to start my half term holiday. Thank you Steve. Honk! Honk!


Clever things these birds-they can teach us so much. Thanks Steve.



Thanks Steve,


I heard this in my Tutoring days, a lovely reminder.




I've not heard that before. It's particularly apt up here - geese fly south :o and winter in this area. All through the winter months the sky is filled with hundreds of geese - and the noise of their honking is pretty incredible at times. :D Now every time I see them I will be reminded of this - it will do wonders for my positive thinking! :)


Thanks Steve


How motivating and inspiring! Will have to share this at my next teacher's meeting and with my manager.


Never really liked geese, I was bitten by one when feeding birds in St James' Park. I've never forgiven them, until now.


Dear Steve,

Great piece.


Have you read Ken Blanchard's and Sheldon Bowles Gung Ho - How to motivate people in any organisation. If you haven't you would really enjoy it - Basically it takes you through a number of stages to get to the goose honkings.


1. The Spirit of the Squirrel

Worthwhile Work


2. The Way of the Beaver

In control of achieving the goal


3. The Gift of the Goose

Cheering each other on


I bought mine off ebay for next to nothing - well worth a read.



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