Guest kellyd Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 Hi to all, I'm afraid to say i'm a first timer to this site, but what a relief to find people studying similar courses. I've just enrolled for the diploma in pre school practice and have actually only just received all my course materials, so I've not even started my first assignment yet. I have to say that after reading through everything I'm finding it very daunting already!!! Is there anyone out there doing the same course that would like a study buddy to help encourage each other along the way? It would be great to hear from anyone who could offer any help or support? Kellyd
HappyMaz Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 Welcome to the Forum Kelly! A couple of members I know of have done or are doing the DPP, but there may well be more I've forgotten about! Mine was a few years ago now, but there is always plenty of advice and support on offer from every quarter. So have a good look around the Forum and ask any questions you need to! I loved doing my DPP, and I'm sure you will too! Maz
vickymck Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hello & welcome Kellyd, I am doing the DPP by distance learning with NEC, I am halfway through the second unit and I realy enjoy it. I thought it was very daunting at first but you will soon get into it and there is loads of support from the forum. There are a few others that I know off studying the course, there is a long thread in the Education, training and professional Development forum that will be worth reading if you haven't already done so and do a forum search for other threads. If you need any help just shout and good luck.
Guest Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 hi , im in my second year there is alot of research and written work to do,but i too am enjoying it.i am more than happy tp help as much as poss.
dublinbay Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hi Kelly and a warm welcome to the forum to you. I did my DPP a few years ago so not much help for you now. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your course. It will be worth it in the end.
Guest kellyd Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Thanks very much everyone. I can't believe I found this site, what a great idea. I too am studying the course through distance learning with the NEC, which is another reason why I am worried, i'm not sure how much self discipline I have!! I hope I don't annoy you all too much by asking obvious questions all the time! I'll check out those other threads now, thanks xx
sunnyday Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hi Kelly and a very warm welcome from me too! I did my DPP with the NEC but that was many moons ago! One of my staff members is about to start hers - she is a forum member but she hasn't 'posted' yet - perhaps she will now and become your 'study buddy' - such a great idea! You will find lots of help and advice along the way from forum members - if you have a specific questions just SHOUT we will all try to help! Good luck! Sunnyday
Guest kellyd Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hi Kelly and a very warm welcome from me too! I did my DPP with the NEC but that was many moons ago! One of my staff members is about to start hers - she is a forum member but she hasn't 'posted' yet - perhaps she will now and become your 'study buddy' - such a great idea! You will find lots of help and advice along the way from forum members - if you have a specific questions just SHOUT we will all try to help! Good luck! Sunnyday Excellent, well let her know I'm here and in the same boat!! and maybe we can help each other out. I look forward to hopefully hearing from her. Thanks x
Guest kellyd Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Ok, first question.... I'm about to get started and my first assignment is to do four observations on one child. 1st of all does anyone know if I'll need to get written permission from the observed childs parents? 2nd...I don't have a clue at the moment on what to actually observe them on, and how to do it? any suggestions? Just need a nudge to get me started then hopefully everything will start to flow. xx
sunnyday Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hi Kelly 'tis me again! Yes I will let my staff member know about you! Re. your questions - presumably your setting already has parental permissions in place for observations? You are not going to use names I assume - so based on that I wouldn't ask for extra permission........ Are you a key person? What age group? How is the question actually formed?
Guest kellyd Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hi Kelly 'tis me again! Yes I will let my staff member know about you! Re. your questions - presumably your setting already has parental permissions in place for observations? You are not going to use names I assume - so based on that I wouldn't ask for extra permission........ Are you a key person? What age group? How is the question actually formed? Thank you, no i'm not going to use names in my obs so I did think it would be ok but the teacher I'm working with put the thought in my head. I'm a classroom assistant working with 2 and 3 years. I will find out for sure if my setting has parental permissions in place anyway, which I'm sure they would have. The question is as follows; make ¨four observations of one child in the pre-school setting using a range of observation methods¨ ¨Each observation requires: the aim of the observation the observation method used a record of the observation......¨ etc. Just need a few tips on what to look for.
vickymck Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hi Kelly, You do need to send in confirmation that you have parental permission, but it can be from your manager. Mine was very brief simply saying 'I can confirm that Vicky has parental permission to observe and asses the child referred to as 'J' in her work'. You need to send this with the NEC assignment and then again with the Cache one. As for your observations, I did 2 narrative, 1 time sample and the last was Oxford Target Child. You will learn all about the differences as you work through the course material and recommended reading. There is also an excellent book called 'How to observe children' by Sheila Ridall leach which was not on my reading list but it was one of the ones I found most informative, there is a link to it on the other thread or search through google books. You will use your observations to build up a child profile to show development accross all areas under SPIEL headings, so you need to try and plan your observations so they provide some infomation for most of the areas. Your observations don't count towards your word count so don't hold back, the more information you can get out of them the easier the profile is to write. If you are not used to writing long narrative observations then start practising ASAP. Also you need a copy of the CACHE assignment guidance which tells you what they are wanting for each criteria. I am not great at links but here goes I hope I haven't put you off even more, you'll be fine once you get going
Guest kellyd Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Hi Kelly,You do need to send in confirmation that you have parental permission, but it can be from your manager. Mine was very brief simply saying 'I can confirm that Vicky has parental permission to observe and asses the child referred to as 'J' in her work'. You need to send this with the NEC assignment and then again with the Cache one. As for your observations, I did 2 narrative, 1 time sample and the last was Oxford Target Child. You will learn all about the differences as you work through the course material and recommended reading. There is also an excellent book called 'How to observe children' by Sheila Ridall leach which was not on my reading list but it was one of the ones I found most informative, there is a link to it on the other thread or search through google books. You will use your observations to build up a child profile to show development accross all areas under SPIEL headings, so you need to try and plan your observations so they provide some infomation for most of the areas. Your observations don't count towards your word count so don't hold back, the more information you can get out of them the easier the profile is to write. If you are not used to writing long narrative observations then start practising ASAP. Also you need a copy of the CACHE assignment guidance which tells you what they are wanting for each criteria. I am not great at links but here goes Thank you so much Vicky that is more than helpful, at least I have a rough idea now as to where to start. The assignment guidance looks very handy too so thanks for that link. Can I just ask how long you spent on one observation, roughly? I hope I haven't put you off even more, you'll be fine once you get going
Guest kellyd Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Can anyone who has completed the course or even just a unit give me a rough idea how long a unit or question takes to complete. Obviously I am aware it depends how much time you have to dedicate, I should hopefully have most of the day on saturdays and maybe 2 or 3 hours during the week too. I was just unsure how long to spend on one section/question or how long I should plan for one unit.
sunnyday Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Hi Kelly..........hmmm....does it not tell you this in the guidance notes? I did mine such a long time ago that I am not sure.........for some reason 160 hours per unit comes to mind .......but as I have said it was all ages ago - so don't take my word for it!
Guest kellyd Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Hi Kelly..........hmmm....does it not tell you this in the guidance notes? I did mine such a long time ago that I am not sure.........for some reason 160 hours per unit comes to mind .......but as I have said it was all ages ago - so don't take my word for it! Hi, Thanks yeah sorry I've just found something with recommended hours; unit 1&3 - 60hours, unit 2 - 90hours and option unit 30 hours. I suppose I just need to try and divide the time between all the questions depending on which are worth more points. I thought I'd read something somewhere, but my head is spinning with everything I'm trying to take in at the moment! I need to try and wrap my brain around everything. I feel like I should be getting all this but i'm not, am I the only one? I feel a bit lost... aaahhh!!!! Sorry winge over, just need to get started then I think I'll be fine. I just hate not knowing what I'm doing, I like to be in control and i'm soooo not!!!!!!
sunnyday Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Bless you - you certainly will not be 'the only one' It can all be quite daunting I know.... Good luck Sunnyday
Panders Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Think you are right Sunnyday, but that was for the whole course i think. It was suggested that study time outside of the day we spent with the tutor group would amount to something like 160 hours. We all sat on the first day with out tutor, and a timetable which was divided up into half hour slots i seem to remember, writing down when we did household chores, worked etc. and then found the spaces in the day/week that we could study. It did help to focus the mind and see how it could all be worked in. However, as many find out, study is difficult to fit in with family life unless your family are old enough in some cases to be more independent and your partner if you have one will help out a little more than they normally would. I tended to do most of my studying after 9p.m (but I am a night bird anyway) and at weekends.
vickymck Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Hi Kelly, As far as the length of observations it depends on which methods you choose. Oxford Target Child and time samples have set guidlines regarding time, but for the narrative it is up to you and how much relevant information you are getting with regard to your aim. My narrative obs where about 20 mins long, whatever you do make sure you put start and finish times on as I lost marks for forgetting to put an end time on one of my obs - very annoying. As for planning study time, I find this a nightmare (particularly since I found this forum). In your information there should be some guidlines for how many hours each unit should take. It also depends on where your strengths are. I spent ages reading up on Educational theorists because I just couldn't get my head around it but I sailed through other sections in no time at all, I will go and have a look in my stuff if I can see the time guidelines
vickymck Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Sorry I was a bit behind there and you have already got the recommended hours info. If you haven't already have a look in your cache candidate handbook at the pages called 'compemsatory marking grid', for unit 1 it is around pg 27 as this shows how the marks are divided for each section. This will also help you to work out what your word count should be for each section. All the work you do in your NEC assignments can be used for the CACHE assignment as long as your tutor is pleased with it so just go for it. It becomes a lot clearer as you go on, if you get stuck on something just move on to something else and come back to it later. Another thing to focus on is the deadlines for submitting the cache assignments, which should have been sent to you by your tutor, these help keep me focused.
Guest kellyd Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Sorry I was a bit behind there and you have already got the recommended hours info. If you haven't already have a look in your cache candidate handbook at the pages called 'compemsatory marking grid', for unit 1 it is around pg 27 as this shows how the marks are divided for each section. This will also help you to work out what your word count should be for each section. All the work you do in your NEC assignments can be used for the CACHE assignment as long as your tutor is pleased with it so just go for it. It becomes a lot clearer as you go on, if you get stuck on something just move on to something else and come back to it later. Another thing to focus on is the deadlines for submitting the cache assignments, which should have been sent to you by your tutor, these help keep me focused. Excellent thanks for that Vicky that really helps.
Guest kellyd Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Aaaahhhh!!!!!!!! I've already got off to a bad start with my tutor. I received a snotty email from her today saying that she suggested I spend some time considering what is preventing me from making a start on my course and said that I have made no effort in three months do do anything. I ONLY ENROLLED ONE MONTH AGO!!!!!!! Unfortunately hot headed me, struck back while the iron was hot and corrected her on her facts and explained all i had actually done over the last few weeks...ooopps! I also took the opportunity to explain that in my welcome letter it states ¨you do not need to make any changes to your pack as the information it contains is current until 1st September 2008¨ Slightly worrying as we're now in 2009!!!! Not once did i listen to the little voice in the back of my head saying 'don't send this, you need this womans help!!'. I did think that voice had a point the moment I'd hit 'send' though!! I just hope she doesn't hold this against me! Sorry folks just needed a quick rant to get it out of my system. Mission accomplished. Hope everyone else's day is going a little smoother than mine!!
sunnyday Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Oh have my smpathy and empathy..... I too have completed 'thrown my toys out of my pram' today..........not connected to Early Years I hasten to add! If I say so myself, I am usually level headed and I can't bear confrontation - but sometimes, just sometimes I will not be 'walked all over'......... Don't worry about your tutor, hopefully she is now reflecting on her own behaviour towards you........ If all else fails.......perhaps you can request a change of tutor...... Have a good weekend and don't spend all of it working Sunnyday
vickymck Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Oh Kelly, I am already on my second tutor, and I no longer see them as a source of help, only as a means to an end of getting my qualification, there is no way I would ever do distance learning again, I feel so alone !!!! not realy I am used to it now, you always have the guys (or girls) in the forum for the best advice there is and hopefully there is some support in your setting. I muddled through the first assignment with no help from the tutors but great advice from others and managed to get a B, so don't get too stressed. It is unbelievable to hear that NEC have still not updated their materials since the introduction of EYFS, I thought I must have enrolled at a bad time and that they were in the process of updating but apparently not, so much for professionalism! I am doing my planning assignment and the only mention of EYFS is when you get to the assignments - which NEC have gratefully sent out an update - thank the lord they are so on the ball ! :( :wacko:
Guest kellyd Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 Thanks for the support guys, I have had an apology from my tutor with the offer of me changing tutors! I said that wouldn't be necessary so hopefully we can put it behind us for now, but at least I have the option to if i feel like its held against me at a later date. As for the out of date material I was told to just skip the bits which are specifically about the foundation stage and birth to three matters and get to know the eyfs and apparently all else is up to date! It would have been nice though if they could have put together a quick note to send with the welcome pack to explain this! Not too impressed so far with NEC but it sounds like there is great support on this forum so that gives me some hope. Well crisis averted... for now!!!! Kellyd xxx
vickymck Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 I think you did the right thing sticking with your tutor. Once your tutor has marked your work it is sent into cache for moderation so any problems should be ironed out then, but I am sure it will be fine
Guest Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 Hi I did my DPP in 1996 and still find it was invaluable training!! The knowledge you gain is second to none and the standard of work expected sets you up brillantly for progressing on to the foundation dgree. Good Luck and enjoy it Maggs
Guest kellyd Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 Hi I did my DPP in 1996 and still find it was invaluable training!! The knowledge you gain is second to none and the standard of work expected sets you up brillantly for progressing on to the foundation dgree. Good Luck and enjoy it Maggs Good to know, at least I know its worth while, thanks maggs xx
Guest Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 (edited) I too am doing the DPP with NEC and as a distance learner. My tutor has been no use what so ever and for last 2 weeks has been 'unavailable'! Anyway, I managed to muddle thru 1st CACHE assignment but now I am on Core Unit 2 and until reading this thread thought I had completely lost the plot when only outdated Birth to Three is mentioned. Is it possible to write the assignments using EYFS, when they keep asking you to refer to Birth to Three and Curriculum Guidance??? .... I have tried contacting NEC directly, but after 2 weeks, no reply from them !!! Edited September 21, 2009 by Guest
sunnyday Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 I too am doing the DPP with NEC and as a distance learner. My tutor has been no use what so ever and for last 2 weeks has been 'unavailable'! Anyway, I managed to muddle thru 1st CACHE assignment but now I am on Core Unit 2 and until reading this thread thought I had completely lost the plot when only outdated Birth to Three is mentioned. Is it possible to write the assignments using EYFS, when they keep asking you to refer to Birth to Three and Curriculum Guidance??? .... I have tried contacting NEC directly, but after 2 weeks, no reply from them !!! Not good enough - it's not like their courses are cheap either! I have a staff member about to I'm having second thoughts - don't want her to have 'out of date' course materials.........when you consider we are now into second year of EYFS.......beggars belief really......
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