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Lovely day here, just took my camera up the garden for a walk and thought you might like to see the view from the top of the garden, looking over the Solway to Scotland


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What a beautiful picture, it feels so calm and peaceful just what I needed to see as my 9 and 10 year old daughters are starting to argue again.

Thanks for sharing this and hope you are enjoying the view and relaxing

Nicky Sussex :oxD

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a bit further to the right is the new 'windfarm'. I quite like the windmills, I find them restful - and you know, if it was a toss-up between a windfarm or a new nuclear plant there'd be absolutely no contest!


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Oh Cait - what beautiful views!


Glad to hear you have some nice weather where you are........it is raining hard here and has been all morning :(


What happened to this 'barbecue summer' we were meant to be having - I am beginning to suspect a government plot :o .........to make us all take holidays in this country! xD

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The 'man himself' will be putting your council tax up, then, with a view like that!!


It's been beautifull all day, just got my DRY washing in as the heavens opened and a river ran down the road (TG I'm at the top of the hill!). Now lovely and sunny again.


Watch the weather in Cornwall - we're off down there for a fortnight on Wednesday - who'll open the betting on snow???


Sue :o

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The 'man himself' will be putting your council tax up, then, with a view like that!!


Sue :o



He'll need to provide more services to rural communities if he does!

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Hi Just noticed I spelt my name wrong oops.




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I love wind farms, if I had a large patch of land I would have lots and lots of windmills, such a beautiful sight when they get going.



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