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Level 4 Distance Learning


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Hi Dorinda here. i want to start my level 4 and want to do distance learning. I did distance learning for my level 3 with NEC does anyone know where I can do this need help in finding out. Thanks Dorinda

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hi thank you for replying. I think i am to old, but hey after working in childcare for over 10 years,I thought i would give it ago again.


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Can i ask a quick question. Does the E100 (level 4) count towards the Foundation degree? or am i totally confused. CAnt decide whether to book straight up for Foundation Degree or do level 4 first and see how i go. Any advise?



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I did E123 and E124, with the OU, which is now the E100 and I got the Certificate in Early Years Practise for that which also counts toward the foundation degree.

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