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Foundations Degree In Eyfs


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Hi Everyone


Last time I posted a message in here it was to ask if anyone knew of the equivalency test for entry into the foundations degree that I was taking.


You were all supportive and I thankyou for that xxxx good news was i received notification yesterday I PASSED and I can now enrol.


Has anyone any tips or suggestions that I could take on board for this degree. I know I begin September/October but I was wondering if it was worth me starting any research in preparation.


I am going to be a real whinger over this I am sure but I truly do want to do this degree.


Thanks for all of your support and I think this is a great site to keep visiting. I often visit although I do not post messages. :o

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Guest Wolfie

Fantastic news - well done! I haven't got any top tips to pass on I'm afraid but have mentored a few students through the Foundation Degree and know you won't regret you decision to do it. We'll all help! :o

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Well done Stepz!!


I started my degree in September and so have just begun my 3rd term!!!!!!!!!


Unless you can find out the module contracts before you start I don't think mega research is going to help.


Maybe just getting up to date with recent legislature/ documents.

Depending where you work you may be very up to date with all things early years!!


Let me or anyone on here know if we can help!

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Well done on getting on the course im sure you will enjoy it, I really enjoyed it.

You could get a book re.study skills (I read one but unfortunately I cant remember author but it was especially for early years!)It had some great info on referencing and also about how to do a dissertation which you will be doing in latter part of course. Advice on putting a portfolio together as well! Actually thinking about it you could start to put things together for a portfolio. When I did the course we all found that this took up a lot of time because it was on going and you had to work on it along side your other assignments. You could do your cv and we had to do a piece on-

Why we wanted to do the FD couse, Our past work experiences, you should start collecting all your past training certificates / evidence. Hope that was useful - feel free to ask if you need help when you actually start!

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I would read up on theorists as for me I didnt really have very much knowledge in this area. tina bruce, linda pound, bernadette duffy, daniel goleman all came up quite regularly so yuou could get some of their books from the library and have a look.

You wont regret it, its tuff going, but its worth it.

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Start saving as you need lots of books or make friends with your local library!! Will try and attach my book list which I have made great use of! Every assisgnment needs a bibliography and reference list so I did a template bibliography of all my books so that I could just copy and paste into my references. I am just coming to the end of my first year so if I can help in anyway.......


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Well done for getting on the course.


I am in my third term of an Early Years Foundation Degree and enjoying it immensely.


I would get hold of a copy of The Study Skills Handbook by Stella Cottrell and also Advanced Early Years for Foundation Degrees and Levels 4/5 by Iain Macleod-Brudenell and Janet Kaye. We were advised that these two books would stand us in good stead throughout the course and this has proved right so far.


I would make sure you know the EYFS inside and out. I would also download a copy of the Common Core of Skills and Knowledge for the Children's workforce from the Every Child Matters website.


Also have a look in your local library for some information on Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and Tina Bruce and perhaps any other books on learning through play which seems to be a thread running through a few of our modules.


There is a great book by Linda Pound called How Children Learn which gives a really good basic outline of the main theorists.



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Congratulations, stepz.............I need to pass the equivalency maths test too..............................does anyone know where i can find examples online??? :o



When I did my maths equivalency through ARU, we were sent links to test papers from AQA. I've just checked on their site but they charge unless you're a college or uni. Maybe your providor will have some you can access? It's definitely worth revising, I certainly wouldn't have passed without the practice!


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There is a great book by Linda Pound called How Children Learn which gives a really good basic outline of the main theorists.

...and she's written a 'sequel' too, so if you're going to buy one then buy the other... xD


You sound so excited stepz - I remember when I started my Foundation Degree all I could think of was "blimey - what on earth have I done?" :o


Best thing I ever did though!



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Hi Stepz


I'm also starting the Foundation Degree in September - like you, I'm really lookng forward to it but am very apprehensive about fitting in the study hours needed...and I'm trying to think of ways to prepare myself - the suggestions given re books and reading up sound like good advice - goodbye tv, hello study !


Wishing you good luck

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