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Planning Forms For Next Step

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Guest colechin

Hi All,


I have attached a form that I have put together, which I would like your comments on. This is for my keyworkers so they can mark down each half term something the individual child has achieved (This will be the WOW), also they can mark down a difficulty that they see the child having and then the next step to help them succeed. Once the child has succeed a date can be added and a comment.


This piece of paper would then stay in the child's profile book.


My first question is does anyone do this sort of sheet?

Is each half term enough of should it be more regular?


I would like some guidance please.




have to be honest first impression looking at the form I have a problem with the word difficulty.

It is a negative word and is telling parents/ staff what the children can't do, where as I concentrate on what they can do and build from that.


I know what you are trying to achieve, but can you tweak the wording.

(sorry can't think of one myself at mo - should be working on assignment. But I am sure someoen wonderful with a fully functioning brain will)


My only comment would be that the boxes are fairly small for the amount of information you may have to put in, and you may not get WOWs consistently across every area. How will you do it if you have 3 to choose from in, say, CLL and none in KUW for example?


Sometimes a WOW can cover more than one area.


It IS a good start though, what I'd suggest is you have a go with it - what works in one setting mightn't work in another, so if you've done your research with your staff and have decided that this is the best way for you - then go for it!


Isn't it difficult when you are trying to put these things together.


Would have to agree with Tess - I wouldn't use 'difficulties' - maybe 'needs a little help with' would sound 'kinder'.


Anyway good luck with what ever you decide to go with, as Cait pointed out sometimes you have to just give things a try - I suspect that's how lots of us are working while we try to get to grips with new requirements - I know I am!




I would just leave out the difficulties bit and have the wow and next step . If you want to staff could make a mental note of any development needs and this would be the next step anyway, sorry finding it hard to write down.


The difficulty is the negative of next step, so could be omitted.. any clearer... perhaps not.


you could always use both sides of paper to make it bigger if you want, we did, having a similar thing given us by LEA as an idea, with 3 boxes on each side to complete.


we went more with a page with 2 boxes 1 for achievements and staff put a code for area next to them, and one with next steps, that way they were coded against several areas... or could be


as always it is a work in progress and trial and error will give something your team are happy with


we did it once a term , or 6 weekly




Hi - it is so hard to sometimes impliment something and get it to work - taking into account the amount of children coming in on dfferent days and key persons etc. We have just implimented this from last half term.


Currently we have split each key-persons children in half so one week we obsreve 20 and plan next steps for the following week to inform our enhancements - and we use the form which I hope I have been able to insert as the basis - ie we give a over-view of the observation speak to parents, speak to child add next step and then evaluate once enhanced activity has taken place taking into account we are observing what the child did always looking in a positive way = we are continuing until the end of term and will evaluate how everyone has got on - what do you all think - am I on the right lines - love to see some other examples.




Guest colechin

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.


I have changed the form now. Three boxes on one page, then I will copy it double sided.

I have also taken out the 'difficulties' , and as you rightly pointed out the 'next step' will cover any issues the children are currently having, and these do not have to be written up negatively by the keyworkers.


This form came about because, all the keyworkers know what their children are capable of and what they are struggling with, but in the children's profile books it covers everything the child has done and achieved and there maybe a few areas where they have said 'needs to revisit' etc ., but we do not have anything down to show ofsted, that this is were we are currently working towards for each child.


Hope you understand or am I making more paper work for the keyworkers? or do I need to be doing this at all?


Can I ask ...


We fill in something very knowing how to plan to cover these, ie if we have something from each area of learning per child to focus on over the next 8 weeks and we are supposing to be planning from weekly observations and this is suppose to be continious when on earth do we get time to do it let alone anything else, no wonder we dont do topics or themes anymore there just isnt time!!!!


Anyone have any suggestions please?



Not sure if it's right, but I would not have something from each of the 6 areas of learning to concentrate on per child every half term (just impossible), personally I would be focusing on a childs indiviual needs.


Their area of interest and main 1 or 2 areas. Interestingly at my last review with EYAT - i was advised not to even mention indiviual stepping stones on Ob's as they are for guidance only.



I have 35 children in setting 6 areas of learning that's 210 indiviual targets per 6 weeks - impossible :o


We started by just having a few next steps, but then were told that we needed to identify next steps for each of the 6 areas and we are finding this very difficult.




Hi All - even though our next step may be say for example begining to act out a role in role play under CD - the child will of course capture many experiences under nearly all areas of development - so when the enhanced activity takes place - the observation of the enhanced will depict many other things as well - we only have one next step per half our children each week - this is manageable by all staff - but who knows if this is the "correct" way xD sometimes I think brain surgery would of been an easier occuplation to of taken up or even a rocket scientist - when I meet up with other settings they are all planning in different ways. Dot :o


Hi Anita - just read your post - who told you that you needed a next step in each area of learning - I was told that 80% of our obs should be catch as you cans so only 20% from enhanced - if it is like this then we will all be walking around like in previous years pulling children out of their own play to interfere rather than observe and add activities and ehancements to further their play.... Dot :o


Hi Dot

It was our EYAT who told us to put a next step in each area,as OFSTED would look for this. Most of our morning is C.I. but we do plan some activities aimed at specific children but all children can access them.




Hi Anita, - same as us then activity is out for all children - but aimed at our target children - will be interesting to see what our EYAT says when we meet after Easter - thanks Dot


just to say I apologise for my garbled post last night, I was so tired and had had a nice cold drink of cider- you'd never of guessed would you.


have a good weekend all! x


Hi Ya

We recently had an ofsted inspection and she did ask to see evidence on how we plan for individual children on a weekly basis we currently focus on 3 children a week looking at their next steps we have observed and noted down these and then plan with these in mind for the following week . The inspector liked the way we worked this and did want to see evidence of when we have determined the next step the observations we made to see if it had been achieved and covered . I hope im making sense of this as like alot of us i think i confuse myself. She did look closely at learning journeys as well.

Hope this is of use.





Hi all. Our key workers make mini observations throughout the week and by Fri have a selection of ideas to

move the children forward in various areas. We work from a planning sheet which is completed by the end of the week

to cover the next weeks activities (hope that makes sense!!) All individual needs are then fed

onto one large sheet of paper divided up into the six areas of learning. The key workers receive a copy of

their weekly planning sheet and the original stays in the planning folder!


I am more than happy to forward a template of our planning sheet which seems to be working really well

at present - if someone is able to guide me as to how to post a a word document into this box???

I have searced through the 'help' section of FSF but no joy :o





WOW !! Excuse my excitement, but can anyone let me know if they received the weekly planning sheet attached to my

last post??


If you have, then I am living proof that you can treat an old dog new tricks :o



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