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Outside Play


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we have an open door ploicy and so use the outdoor area during most of session - only shutting door for snack and foccussed activity time - what i would like to know does anyone have an outdoor plan - as think ofsted are hot on hat children will learn from their out door play

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On my daily equipment plan I list what to have outside or inside if to wet to go out but we don't have a separate full equipment plan, maybe we should but most of our outdoor play is child initiated so Ofsted cant have it all ways :o or maybe thats the wrong attitude xD


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We play have an open door policy most of the time, except in extreme weather conditions. The children just go inside for snack, when ready, the snack table is using open for about 30 mins. Children are called if they haven't been. In better weather we do snack and adult -led activities outside.

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We also have planning for continuous provision for indoors and outdoors, but on the weekly planner we will highlight which activities are going to go on outdoors!

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